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page for the latest on local matters.

AGM 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the SLRA will take place at 7.15 pm on Tuesday 15 March 2022 at
Sandyacres Sports & Social Centre. This will be the first time that members have been able to meet in
person for 3 years, so please make a diary note. It will be a good opportunity to debate local issues of
interest or concern.

We intend to have a “streamlined” formal AGM, with all papers published here in advance (and a few
copies available on the day) so that we can maximise the time available for debate. The AGM will
include the election of the committee. We are always keen to have new committee members, so
please send any nominations to

Following the formal AGM, we shall then have the usual “Open Forum” session and expect some of our
local councillors to be present and contribute to the debate. As well as “Questions from the floor”, we
invite members to submit questions in advance so that we can structure the debate as efficiently as
possible. Questions may be submitted to

The "Flyer" for the meeting may be viewed here.

Papers for the meeting are available from the following links:

AGM agenda

Minutes of the AGM held on 17 March 2021

Chair's report

Secretary's report

Income & Expenditure 3 years to 28/02/22

SLRA Constitution