
The SLRA Committee is elected by the members at each Annual General Meeting. Further members may be co-opted in the interim. Committee meetings are held every two months.

The present members of the Committee are:

Andy lives in Sandyhurst Lane with his wife Lindsey and two children. He runs a security company in Ashford.
Don Murrell
Andy Peddle
Doug Harman
Doug has lived at 89 Sandyhurst Lane for seventeen years with wife Natalie, daughter Lois and the dog, Cherry. Doug is a best selling author and experienced and talented photographer with 25 years as a photo journalist, author and photographer and digital camera and technology specialist.

Tony Bartlett
Desmond Henley

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page for the latest on local matters.

Tony and Wendy Bartlett have lived in Ewe Cottage, on the corner of Westwell and Sandyhurst Lane, since 2010. Now fully retired himself, Wendy still works part-time for a local private hospital. Originally qualified as a scientist working for the Atomic Energy Authority, Tony spent most of his career running large and small high technology businesses. However for the last 12 years of his working life he was with Business Link Kent collaborating with partner organisations to help support and grow the Kent economy.
Tony now fills what's left of his spare time after “grandparent duties” by being active in local politics and community fundraising.  Re-elected a Westwell Parish Councillor in May 2019 he also represents the interests of the wider Ashford parish and community councils as an Executive Committee member of the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC).  Although also a Trustee of a local children’s charity he still finds time to enjoy his love of cooking.
Bryan Hall
Bryan has lived in Lenacre Street since 1987 with his wife Jane and their two daughters. Bryan initially trained as a teacher but for the last 40 years has been working in sales and management for large multinationals as well as small businesses. Bryan is now helping SMEs, CICs & Charities and sports/social clubs with grant applications (LoCASE / SEBB etc) and since 2017 helped them obtain grant awards of over £850,000. Bryan also mentors two young entrepreneurs via the Kent Foundation charity.
email: and
Desmond is a Registered Osteopath and is also a Naturopath and acupuncturist. He specialises in treating sporting injuries, musculo-skeletal pain and several other ailments. He has lived at 80 Sandyhurst Lane for 37 years and runs a clinic from home as well as in Hythe and Whitstable. He also does home visits and offers a free initial consultation if requested. Previously he worked as the Superintendent in charge of Radiology services in Ashford where he was involved in helping to raise funds for the purchase of the first CT scanner at the William Harvey Hospital. He is married and has two children. He is also a past member of the Sandyhurst Lane running club. Desmond is very keen in improving the community feel in the Lane and is keen to have any suggestions from residents who feel the same and are keen to contribute in this respect.
email:  Phone: 07753 634449
Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association

Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area
Bryan Biggs
I live with my wife Mandy and have lived in the Lane since October 1991. I was born in Ashford, lived in Cyprus, finished schooling in Deal then returned to Ashford to complete an apprentiship at the REME. I have worked for the same electrical company for 42 years and since reaching 65 have reduced my working week to 4 days.
I am a trustee of Sandyacres Sports and Social Centre and liaise with the Residents' Association regarding Sandyacres.

Fred Dunkerley
Graham Mullaly
Graham lives in Westwell Lane with his wife Lorraine. He has two daughters and runs his own property maintenance company.
Susan Wood