Council Activity

The Sandyhurst Lane Residents' Association (SLRA) area lies within a single division of Kent County Council (Ashford Rural West).

The SLRA area is represented by two wards of Ashford Borough Council. These are Downs West ward, which includes 99% of the properties in the SLRA area and Goat Lees ward, which includes 5 properties in the SLRA area.

The SLRA area is also represented by two Parish Councils. Westwell Parish Council includes 69.6% of the properties in the SLRA area and the remaining 30.4% are located within the area of Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council.

This page is intended to provide residents with news and information about the activities of their local government bodies and the elected representatives are invited to provide updates on relevant council activities for their constituents in the SLRA area.

See our page MPs & Councillors to check in which division/ward/parish council you are represented, and by whom.

Kent County Council (KCC)

To see the minutes of Kent County Council meetings, click here.
For other KCC Committees, click here.

Ashford Borough Council (ABC)

To see the minutes of Ashford Borough Council meetings, click here.
For other ABC Committees, click here.

Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council
Chair: Spencer Phillips
To see the agendas and minutes of Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council meetings, click here.

Westwell Parish Council
Chair: Christine Drury
To see the minutes of Westwell Parish Council meetings, click here.

The Parish Council held a full meeting on 1st November 2022 and a planning meeting on 8th November as there were too many applications to consider in one meeting. The owners of Wootton Farm attended the meeting on 1st November to express concerns about the number and size of the vehicles to and from the Nyetimber vineyard over the grape harvest days. This was the first year of full harvest and it took place 'after recent rain which had softened the verges. Establishing good contact with manager should help address the issues that have arisen.

Eight councillors attended on 1st November and seven on 8th November. Minutes of the meetings on 6th September and 4th October were approved. All minutes are put on the Westwell parish council website by our Parish Clerk Nicky Ideson.

November is when the budget for 2023-24 looms into sight: first to predict the out-turn of 22-23 on 31st March 2023, and second to draft 23-24. The big budget item currently is for the much anticipated highways safety improvement work: a "gateway" sign near the sewage works entrance to the village, and road markings on Sandyhurst Lane to reinforce the 30mph speed limit section. The details are now confirmed and the Council agreed to send an approval note to KCC highways. This is being paid by Westwell Parish - i.e. all of us, but there have been two generous grants from our county councillor Charlie Simkins towards the cost and a grant from our borough councillor, Larry Krause. The total for the parish will be just under £15,000 – still a lot, but less than the £25,000 we were originally advised. The budget and precept will be decided at the meeting on 10th January.

The Parish flagpole will be installed at the side of the new pedestrian access: this is the optimum place for visibility and to be clear of trees and overhead wires, and be very much in the centre of the village. The Parish Council has separately agreed to the re-setting of the village sign on the triangle which has started to loosen at the bottom. The annual check by our tree wardens identified some work to do in the churchyard: a fir tree close to the church that the PCC has also identified and will probably be cut down, a leaning cherry tree also needs investigation.

The planning applications received and commented on are summarised in the separate section on Plans. At its meeting on 6th September the Council replied to a question about a new verge improving safety on that part of the road. The verge opportunity could arise if plans were submitted for three new houses set back from the road on the Watery Lane edge of the village. On 8th November it was evident that there was talk of these plans in the village but an absence of facts about what was being proposed. It was agreed that should be addressed as soon as possible. An information event facilitated by the Parish Council was organised by Frank Dwyer on 18th November for people to see the potential plans and ask questions. There will be more information and plenty of time for everyone to comment if and when a planning application appears.

See our NEWS
page for the latest on local matters.

Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association

Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area