
Membership of the Sandyhurst Lane Residents' Association (including Neighbourhood Watch) is open to all residents living in Sandyhurst Lane, Ashford and the adjacent roads, which include all or parts of the following:

Eastwell Grange, Faversham Road, Hoads Wood Gardens, Kingsland Lane, Lenacre Street, Maidstone Road, Potters Close, Watsons Close, Westwell Lane.

Annual membership costs just £5.00 per calendar year household, payable on joining and thereafter on 1 January each year. An Application Form can be downloaded, completed and returned by email (or printed and returned) here (opens in a new window - please download to a PC or laptop, rather than a phone or tablet).

Payment is normally by Standing Order, preferably set up online, but if preferred a form for this can be downloaded and printed here (opens in a new window). Please return the completed form direct to your bank, allowing time before the first payment date for the form to be processed.

If you set up a Standing Order, please ensure you include your initial and surname in the reference field, otherwise your payments may not be credited to your membership. Payments should be made to the SLRA NatWest account, Sort Code 60-01-21, Account number 47852496 for the sum of £5.00 on joining and thereafter on 1 January each year until further notice.

Please give completed membership forms to any of the members of the committee, whose names may be found here.

See our NEWS
page for the latest on local matters.

Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association

Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area
Membership renewal

Membership renewal is due on 1 January each year. For members who do not pay by standing order, membership should be renewed by payment of £5 by bank transfer or in cash or cheque. Many members take the opportunity to renew their membership at the Association's AGM in March each year. Alternatively, renewal subscriptions may be paid to any of the members of the committee, whose names may be found here

Bank transfer renewal payments should be made to the SLRA NatWest account, Sort Code 60-01-21, Account number 47852496 for the sum of £5.00. If you renew in this way, it is helpful if you advise the Seccretary by email at