Neighbourhood Watch 
(for latest alerts please scroll down)                            


Kent Police
Neighbourhood Watch



Sandyhurst Lane Residents’ Association (SLRA) operates a Neighbourhood Watch scheme throughout its area. Although this comprises nearly 350 properties, the essential local character of Neighbourhood Watch has been achieved by breaking the overall area down into ten local areas, each of them coordinated by a volunteer. The ten areas are as follows:

Neighbourhood Watch is a scheme to promote good citizenship in the local community and to encourage greater awareness and participation in the prevention and detection of crime. All members are issued with a sticker to identify their property as part of the scheme, together with information from the Home Office on home security. A number of street signs have also been erected, to identify clearly that this is a Neighbourhood Watch area.

Intelligence on crime incidents and suspicious activity are passed between participating residents and the Kent Police, usually via the local coordinator.

This allows a fast transfer of information, principally by email, with alerts from the police being distributed to residents and intelligence reports from residents being passed on to the police. Residents are encouraged to report suspicious activity or other information likely to be useful in fighting crime, either to their local coordinator or directly to the police using the free 101 telephone service or online at

SLRA has the infrastructure for organisation of this scheme and is able to offer membership of Neighbourhood Watch at no extra cost to its members.
Neighbourhood Watch: Latest Alerts 

If you can help with any of the reported crimes, please call 101 or 01622 690690 or email 
Calls to 101 are now FREE (since 1 April 2020), from both land lines and mobiles.                      

9 November 2022

Car theft in Sandyhurst Lane

A resident in Sandyhurst Lane has posted the following:

Just a heads up - my car was stolen last night at around 2am, been advised another one from Westwell Lane got taken, Police advised me to let neighbours be aware that BMW & Mercedes are being targeted - so far 28 thefts in and around Ashford and Folkestone in last 3 weeks.  Detective has been and advised that this is properly being investigated and may contact immediate neighbours of 348 for cctv… be vigilant peeps.. off to buy a faraday pouch/box - this prevents cloning of keys.

Members will be aware of the sudden increase in car thefts in Ashford – please follow the advice circulated by local Neighbourhood Watch coordinators and repeated here:

Keyless car theft – also known as relay theft – is relatively simple.  With a relay amplifier and a relay transmitter, a thief can detect whether the car has keyless entry. Working in pairs they identify a house with a car parked nearby and one person stands by the car with a transmitter, while a second waves an amplifier around the perimeter of the house. If the car key is close enough the amplifier will detect its signal, amplify it, and send it to the accomplice’s transmitter.

This transmitter then effectively becomes the key, and tricks the car into thinking the real key is nearby. The thieves can then open the car, get in and drive away.
The whole process can take as little as 60 seconds and can be completed in near silence.
To avoid keyless car theft remember DISTANCE, SIGNAL, STEERING WHEEL.
- KEEP KEYS A SAFE DISTANCE FROM THE CAR: Keeping keys far away from doors and windows. This will minimise the chances a thief will be able to find and amplify the key’s signal and is general good practice.
- BLOCK  OR TURN OFF THE SIGNAL: Consider purchasing a Faraday pouch to keep your car key in. These pouches contain signal-blocking materials that stop your key transmitting its code, preventing crooks from being able to detect and amplify the signal. Check your manual or speak to your dealer to find out if your key can be switched off
- STEERING WHEEL LOCK: Consider using a steering wheel lock, a driveway parking post, or even a wheel clamp

2 September 2022

Theft in Sandyhurst Lane

There is a police report of a theft of unknown items from a lorry in Sandyhurst Lane between 19:15 on 29 August 2022 and 06:00 on 30 August 2022. The crime reference number is 46/170359/22.

26 May 2022

Theft of catalytic converters

There are reports of another rise in the East Kent area of theft of catalytic converters from motor vehicles. Please see the poster below and the general “Your Guide to …” leaflet which contains a number of car crime prevention tips.

22 February 2022

Message from Kent Police

Please be aware of the risk of rogue traders taking advantage of the recent storm and the damage it has caused. 

Do not be afraid to refuse access to uninvited callers offering on-the-spot repairs or maintenance as you run the risk of poor workmanship, extortionate charges, or both.

If you need any repairs, you should contact your insurance company in the first place. 

If you do need to arrange a repair to be made, please speak to family and friends to obtain details of recommended and trusted traders before getting a number of quotes to make a comparison.

If you have any suspicions around callers, please contact Trading Standards, or in an emergency, please call the police on 999.

25 January 2022

Scam alert

We have received the following message from a member:

Just had what I think is a sophisticated scam.  A text, very real looking, from Royal Mail parcels, “failure to deliver a parcel, we don’t leave notes now please contact”. The reply text looks VERY real. It asks for contact details, Post code Mob no, etc, “Your delivery is found, re- delivery costs £2.50 which will be taken from your card only after delivery, give your card details now)!!!! Well Ha Ha Ha no way. Please beware as this really looks like the post office. I checked the web site, the post office does not charge for re-delivery! 

This is just one of numerous scams which are being perpetrated every day, by phone, email, text, post, cold callers, etc. Please remain vigilant and regard all unexpected messages as scams. Even if the message appears to be from someone you know, check carefully as impersonation is very common – the SLRA Secretary received one such email today, purportedly from the Chair, but obviously a scam.

Further information and advice on scams is available on the websites of Kent Police and Action Fraud.

16 November 2021

Further scam builders alert

Message received this morning from a member in Sandyhurst Lane (near Westwell Lane/Potters Corner):

There are 2 chaps in a white van with a ladder on its roof (unable to take the registration number of the van) knocking at my door and told me something wrong with my roof. I told one of them that there’s no problems of my roof as it has just been cleaned. Then he looked at the camera and cleared off quick.
Please let the neighbours know of this incident. Thank you.

Please be vigilant.

28 September 2021

Scam alert

Members may recall that a member living in Sandyhurst Lane was subjected to an expensive roofing scam in June (see our email of 10 June below).

We have received a report that the same scam roofing men come around today (this afternoon at approximately 3:45 pm) trying to extract more money with menaces. They even attempted to break the front door down. The owner called the police (999) and a neighbour, who went to assist, but they had gone. The incident has been reported to the police (case ref 28-0707), who have said they will send someone to check for fingerprints where they attempted to force the front door open.

So please be aware and vigilant that two men with a white van are knocking to say they have spotted issues with “your roof". They then do the work, cause damage, and then try to force more money out of the victim with menaces.


If you have any information which may help the police with their enquiries, please report it to 101, quoting the above reference number.

13 June 2021

Phishing emails and texts

Beware of the multitude of phishing scam emails and texts in wide circulation. Never click on a link in

an unsolicited email or text message. Common impersonations include Banks, TV licencing, DVLA, HMRC and delivery companies like Hermes, DPD, Fedex etc, asking for payment for undelivered parcels. Do not respond - Hermes, for example, have at the top of their tracking website: "We’ll never ask you to pay for a parcel redelivery. Be phishing aware."

If you wish to report suspicious emails and text messages, emails can be forwarded to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS): and SMS text messages can be reported to your network service provider, free of charge, by forwarding the scam SMS to 7726.

If you’ve lost money or provided personal information as a result of a phishing scam, notify your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud.

10 June 2021

Scam alert

One of our members in Sandyhurst Lane was the victim of a scam a few days ago. Please see the following account sent to us:

Incident on Monday 7th June 2021

I was working at the back of the house when the doorbell rang mid-morning and I answered because I was expecting a parcel. A young chap said he was embarrassed to call but they were waiting for delivery of scaffolding for a job further down the Lane and he'd noticed that the hip tile on the eastern end of the house was coming out. He had two other less presentable chaps with him in the transit van. I asked where their other job was and they said with Mrs Green. Later they said it was a bungalow near the sharp bend next to a house with an entrance arch.

We went to the back to have a look and it did look slightly raised but now under calmer inspection the other end looks the same. I accepted their offer of pushing the tile back in but whilst up on the roof they discovered the hip ridge at the front western end was loose and the chap hauled it up much to my dismay. Also one of them took a loose brick out at the top of the east chimney. So the first quote was £450 to stabilise the hip ridge then £850 to point the chimney on two sides. Then there were more quotes getting higher and higher and I should have been warned when they said it was for cash only no cheques. Also he got upset when I went to write down the amounts until I said I couldn't remember them with all the changes. In hindsight, he probably thought I was taking their van number which didn't occur to me until too late.

I asked him his name and he only gave a first name which I can't remember but it was unusual and began with Cum I think. He brought out a sign from the van - Sharp Builders & Landscapes. He also said he lived at Teynham near his Grandfather's large fruit farm. I said I'd phone a friend down the road to see if he knew Mrs Green then he pretended to be upset because I still doubted him and said they wouldn't do the chimney but by then the chaps had cemented the ridge and the chimney brick. He said they wanted the money straight away so I went to the Building Society and the Bank hut luckily I could only draw out £650 altogether on one day. They must have followed me in because I met them as I was returning to the car in Sturges Road and they took the money. They then turned unpleasant and bullying saying we'd have to return to the house for the £200. In fact I'd said I never kept more than £200 at home and It turned out to be £180.

I shall be getting the builder to inspect their work especially as it looks as if some of the tiles above the gutter are out of alignment. This has been a salutary and upsetting lesson and I can’t believe I could have been so naive and gullible.

We are grateful to the member concerned for sharing this story with other residents. The incident is being reported to the police. If you have any relevant information, please let us know.

Please be vigilant and DO NOT respond to cold callers at your door, on the phone, on emails, texts or contacting you by any other means.

15 May 2021

Latest scams

1. New Census Scam

Kent residents are being targeted by a text scam, pretending to be from the UK Government Census 2021. The text will say that information is missing from your application.
How it works –
- You receive a text message pretending to be from UK Government Census.
- The text will say that information is missing from your application.
- You will be directed to a website to update your details to avoid a £1,000 penalty.
This is a SCAM
If you believe you have fallen victim to this, then contact your Bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud at or by calling 0300 123 2040. Additionally, you can get assistance or advice by speaking to Citizens Advice on 0808 223 1133.

2. Malware scam
Be aware of the below text message scam that infects Android mobile phones with malicious software (malware), which is targeting people in the UK.
If you click on the link contained in the text message, then the malware will attempt to infect Android based Smartphones (it won’t infect iOS but does redirect Apple users to a phishing site) with spyware, which hides in the background while snooping on all your sensitive data and credit card details. Additionally, it will send out spam infected messages to all your contacts.
If your phone becomes infected, contact your mobile phone provider straight away.

3. iTunes Phishing Scam
A new iTunes phishing email states that there has been a purchase on your account and if not you, to press a cancellation link. If you click the link, it will take you to a convincing website, where they steal your details. If you get one of these, please do not click on the link and forward the email to
If you believe you have fallen victim to this scam, then contact your Bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud at or by calling 0300 123 2040.

15 January 2021

Shed lock removed - Sandyhurst Lane

Between 1600 hours on 13/01/21 and 0900 hours on 14/01/21, a padlock cut off a garden shed in Sandyhurst Lane to gain entry, nothing was stolen. Crime reference number 46/6998/21.

30 December 2020

Attempted burglary in Lenacre Street

The following message has been posted this morning by a resident living in Lenacre Street:


orry to report that we had our shed broken into last night, bolt cutters were used to gain entry.
The shed only has garden furniture and as far as I can tell nothing was taken, which was fortunate for us.
We live on Lenacre Street, but probably worth a check on out buildings wherever you are in the area.

2 December 2020

Annual policing survey

Please see this document for an opportunity to contribute views on Kent policing to the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner.
The online survey is at

15 October 2020

Theft from car in Sandyhurst Lane

There have been a number of reports of thefts from cars in Ashford recently. Last night, one occurred in Sandyhurst Lane. We have received the following message from a member living in the “300s”:

Last night 14th around 23.30 two persons removed goods from our next door neighbour’s car and tried the door on our car. They were caught on our neighbours cctv and the police were informed.

Please ensure that all vehicles are securely locked, that no goods are left on view inside vehicles and that keys are not left in “fishing” distance of the letterbox (eg on the hall table).

22 September 2020

Theft of tools in Sandyhurst Lane

Between 22:45 on 17 September and 12:00 on 21 September, garden tools and equipment were stolen in the Sandyhurst Lane area. These included 2 chain saws, 2 hedge trimmers, a leaf blower and a petrol can. If you have any information which may be useful to the investigation of this incident please call 101 and quote crime report number – 46/169156/20.

31 August 2020

Burglaries in Maidstone Road, Hothfield

We have received the following information in two messages from a resident in Maidstone Road (A20), Hothfield:

I have just moved into  a property in Maidstone Road, Hothfield.
This morning about 10:30hrs I noticed the side door of a trailer parked at the bottom of my garden was open. Upon inspection I also noticed that an attempt had been made to break into my garage. They had not gained entry and nothing was stolen. The damage was minimal. There is a public footpath running along the side of my property however there were no foot prints in the field at the back. This attempted break in occurred between 21:30hrs & 08:30hrs the night of Saturday 29 August.

I now understand that another two properties have  reported that their out buildings where broken into last night and property stolen. Vehicle tyre tracks were found in the field to the rear. The gate to the field off Sandy Lane has had the padlock removed and it is the consensus that this was the point of entry for the vehicle to the rear of the properties. Two properties have items stolen from out buildings and owners have reported the thieves to the police. Currently we cannot secure our land due to the public footpath entry point that, by law, has to be kept accessible 24/7.

Please stay vigilant.

13 June 2020

Suspicious activity in Sandyhurst Lane

We have received the following message from a member living in the middle part of Sandyhurst Lane, about suspicious activity yesterday evening:

I  wanted to make you aware of some suspicious activity that has happened this evening, I got home from work at 6.45 to find a b class Mercedes car parked on my driveway with 4 what looked like foreign looking men in it and when I asked what they were doing they hid their faces and drove off, I spoke with my wife and she said there was a brick placed in the middle of our drive which she found odd as it’s not any of ours and since 6.45 and now 7.30 the car with the 4 men in has been past twice, the registration is GJ06 PKC Mercedes b class grey/silver in colour, we have a new caravan on the drive and think they may have been looking at that and know there are a number of houses with caravans on their driveways so could you just let slra members know and keep a look out if they see the car.

Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to 101.

13 May 2020

Theft in Maidstone Road

It is reported that on 12/13 May 2020 between 1400 and 0110, two plant pots were stolen from a property in Maidstone Road (A20). If you have any information, please call 101, quoting crime reference 46/80543/20.

5 April 2020

Sainsbury scam

We have received the following message from a member:

“Just had a call allegedly from Sainsbury. One has to press any key to get message. I never have dealings with Sainsbury and they most certainly do not have my unlisted number. I presume this is yet another scam.”

Stay vigilant, stay safe, stay home!

Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association

Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area
Area Number of properties Addresses Coordinator Email
A 25 Maidstone Road
3 - 8 Sandyhurst Lane
Potters Close
Tony Bartlett
Ewe Cottage, Westwell Lane
B 34 Westwell Lane Graham Mullaly
Oaklands, Westwell Lane
C 45 Hoads Wood Gardens
9 - 16 Sandyhurst Lane
D 37 17 - 50 Sandyhurst Lane
Kingsland Lane
E 34 51 - 81 Sandyhurst Lane Desmond Henley
80 Sandyhurst Lane
F 34 82 - 138 Sandyhurst Lane Doug Harman
89 Sandyhurst Lane
G 35 138a - 202 Sandyhurst Lane Andy Peddle, 1 Lilac Cottage
141 Sandyhurst Lane
H 30 250 - 360 Sandyhurst Lane John Faulkner
Syringa, 382 Sandyhurst Lane
J 35 362 - 404 Sandyhurst Lane
Watsons Close
John Faulkner
Syringa, 382 Sandyhurst Lane
K 37 Lenacre Street
Eastwell Grange
Faversham Road
Bryan Hall
Hedge End, Lenacre Street