MPs & Councillors
Click on the links for full details of each representative.

Ashford Borough Council

99% of the SLRA area is included in Downs West borough ward. Five properties in Faversham Road are in Goat Lees borough ward.
The most recent Borough Council elections in our area were held on Thursday 2 May 2019. Those elected were:

The next Borough Council elections in our area will take place on Thursday 4 May 2023, unless any by-elections are required before then.

Local Parish Councils

The whole SLRA area lies within two parish council areas:

Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council, which includes 30.4% of properties in the SLRA area, located in:
198 to 404 Sandyhurst Lane, Eastwell Grange, Faversham Road, Lenacre Street and Watsons Close.

Westwell Parish Council, which includes 69.6% of properties in the SLRA area, located in:
Tollgate Cottage (A20) to 196 Sandyhurst Lane, Kingsland Lane, Maidstone Road, Hoads Wood Gardens, Potters Close and Westwell Lane.

The most recent Parish Council elections in our area were held on Thursday 2 May 2019. The parish council elections in both Boughton Aluph & Eastwell and Westwell were uncontested, because the number of nominations did not exceed the number of vacancies. The names of the candidates who were elected unopposed are available from the following links:

Boughton Aluph & Eastwell:

Boughton Aluph ward (1)[1]
Eastwell ward (1)[1]
Goat Lees ward (6)[2]

Westwell (9)[9]

Numbers in round brackets indicate the maximum number of parish councillors, numbers in square brackets indicate the number of nominations.

The next Parish Council elections in our area will take place on Thursday 4 May 2023.

Kent County Council

The SLRA area falls entirely within Ashford Rural West Division.

The most recent County Council elections in our area were held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
The next County Council elections in our area will take place in May 2025.
Charlie Simkins (Con) has represented Ashford Rural West division since 2013
UK Parliament

The most recent General Election was held on Thursday 12 December 2019.
The next General Election will take place in January 2025, unless one is called earlier.
This represents five years from the day the current Parliament first met (17 December 2019), plus the time required for an election campaign.

Damian Green (Con) is the Member of Parliament for Ashford. He has represented Ashford since 1 May 1997 in seven consecutive terms.

From July 2016 to May 2017 he was also Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and from June to December 2017 was First Secretary of State and Minister for the Cabinet Office.

See our NEWS
page for the latest on local matters.

Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association

Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area

Downs West Ward - Larry Krause (Conservative)
Goat Lees Ward - Winston Michael (Ashford Independent)