27 June 2012

Application withdrawn for Lawful Development Certificate at The Pines, Westwell Lane

See news item 12 June 2012. This application has now been withdrawn.

26 June 2012

Appeal against refusal of planning permission for revised application for erection of houses at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission for the development of the Carpenders site with two extra properties was granted in March 2012 (see news item of 15 March 2012). A further application was immediately submitted for a revised scheme involving three extra properties (see news item 21 March 2012). This was refused on 10 May 2012.
An appeal against this refusal has now been lodged and the start date for the appeal is 25 June 2012.
The closing date for additional comments is 6 August 2012. Full details may be viewed here. (search for case number 12/00317/AS).

22 June 2012

Planning permission sought for single storey rear extension
at Penhalt, 362 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 21 June 2012 for a single storey rear extension at Penhalt, 362 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item 4 May 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00482/AS).

12 June 2012

Lawful Development Certificate sought for proposed summer house and patio at The Pines, Westwell Lane

An application has been made for a summer house and patio in the garden of The Pines, Westwell Lane. The decision target date is 1 August 2012.  Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00637/AS).

7 June 2012

M20 overnight lane closures

There will be overnight lane closures on six miles of the M20 between junctions 8 and 9, between 11 June and 6 July. This is for safety improvements. The Highways Agency has issued the following press release:

Safety improvements for the M20 between Maidstone and Ashford
HIGHWAYS AGENCY News Release issued by COI News Distribution Service on 07 June 2012
Overnight work starting next Monday (11 June) will improve safety on the M20, between Maidstone and Ashford in Kent.
Road markings and studs will be renewed on both carriageways of the motorway between junctions 8 and 9.

Kevin Bown, Highways Agency Asset Manager said:
“Safety is our top priority and the new road markings and studs being replaced over a distance of approximately six miles on each carriageway will give road users better visibility, therefore improving safety. The work will be carried our overnight between 8pm and 6am, when traffic flows are lowest, to minimise disruption to road users."

The scheme is expected to be complete, weather permitting, on Friday 6 July. It will involve overnight lane closures and a temporary 50mph speed limit will be in place for safety reasons.

26 May 2012

Planning permission granted for two storey side extension with dormers to the front and rear at 10 Sandyhurst Lane
Planning permission was granted on 25 May 2012 to extend the existing property at 10 Sandyhurst Lane by replacing the existing garage and car port with a two storey extension with dormer windows to the front and rear (see news item 14 April 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00406/AS).

25 May 2012

SLRA lobbies KCC Traffic Team on two road safety issues
The SLRA has sent two further letters to KCC Highways - now known as the Traffic Schemes and Member Highway Fund Team. The first letter, which may be viewed here seeks more information about the timing of a decision on improvements to road safety at the A20 junction with Sandyhurst Lane. (SLRA has successfully lobbied for a scheme to be a contender for the 2012/13 budget).
The second letter, which may be viewed here, raises a new issue: the problem caused by parked cars (on the school run) near the Faversham Road end of Sandyhurst Lane. This is an issue which was raised by a resident of Watsons Close at the SLRA AGM on 28 March 2012.
We shall, of course, keep you informed of any further developments.

12 May 2012

Planning permission granted for single storey rear extension
at Downs View, 350 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 11 May 2012 for a single storey rear extension at Downs View, 350 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item 23 March 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00329/AS).

10 May 2012

Planning permission refused for revised planning application for erection of houses
at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

Following the recent granting of planning permission for the development of the Carpenders site with two extra properties (see news item of 15 March 2012), yet another application was submitted for a revised scheme involving three extra properties (see news item 21 March 2012). This has today been refused. The decision notice reads:
The proposal would be contrary to policies CS1 & CS9 of the Core Strategy 2008; policy EN9 of the adopted Ashford Borough Local Plan 2000, policy CC1 of the South East Plan 2009, Government advice contained within the NPPF 2012 and to the Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Design Statement 2003 and would therefore be harmful to matters of acknowledged planning importance for the following reason:
The proposed development by virtue of the amount proposed and its orientation to the road would result in an unacceptable overdevelopment of the site, turning its back on the street, in a manner that would be incongruous to the grain and context of the immediate locality and detrimental to the visual amenity of the
It remains to be seen whether the applicant will appeal this decision. Full details may be viewed here. (search for case number 12/00317/AS).

4 May 2012

Planning permission sought for single storey rear extension
at Penhalt, 362 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for a proposed single storey rear extension at Penhalt, 362 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 27 May 2012. Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00482/AS).

2 May 2012


Thieves are again active in Sandyhurst Lane (as previously reported in a news item on 8 June 2011). On the night of 1-2 May 2012 thieves forcibly entered two sheds in the gardens of adjacent houses in the middle part of Sandyhurst Lane. In each case a mower was stolen. Access to the gardens was via the ‘walkway’ that runs along the back of the properties in this part of the Lane.
Members are reminded to be vigilant and mindful of domestic security, and to take all the normal precautions. See the advice on home security from Kent Police.

21 April 2012

Footpath diversion - Public Notice of Coming into Force

The SLRA has been closely involved in the plans to divert the footpath AE210, which runs from Sandyhurst Lane to Trinity Road. The diversion was necessary because of a new car park in Upper Pemberton Road, serving buildings in Eureka Park (see news items 9 May 2011, 6 June 2011 and 23 June 2011).

The necessary works have now been completed and a Notice of Coming into Force of the Public Footpath Diversion Order will be published on 27 April 2012. A copy of the Notice may be viewed here.

18 April 2012

Planning permission granted for side and rear extension at 7 Hoads Wood Gardens

Planning permission was granted on 17 April 2012 for a proposed side and rear extension, with conversion of part of the existing garage to living accommodation, at 7 Hoads Wood Gardens (see news item 7 March 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00249/AS).

16 April 2012

SLRA responds to the further revised planning application for erection of houses
at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

The SLRA has made a response opposing the planning application for the erection of three new houses plus the extension of the existing house at Carpenders, at the junction of Sandyhurst Lane and Faversham Road (see news item 21 March 2012). The submission is as follows:

Dear Mr Peel
Planning Application 12/00317/AS
Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane, Ashford, TN25 4PR

This Association strongly objects to the above planning application, which proposes replacement/renovation of an existing dwelling and construction of three new dwellings with integral garages, and which we consider to be overdevelopment of this site and its proximity to the Grade II Listed Eastwell Towers.
We fully support the objections of Mr & Mrs Burrough of 2 Eastwell Grange, Mr M Collins of 1 Eastwell Grange, and Mr & Mrs Camp of Hookstead, Faversham Road.
We raised no objection to the previous application, 12/00025/AS, for a total of three houses comprising retention of the existing Edwardian property and two detached houses and garages (approved 14 March 2012).
This site is located in Sandyhurst Lane, which is characterised by dwellings in large gardens, not high-density Trinity Road properties such as those in Freathy Lane.
Increased traffic movements to and from the site are a major concern for highway safety, especially given the parking of cars adjacent to Eastwell Grange exit onto Sandyhurst Lane (delivering or picking up students from Towers School) as commented in Mrs Vincent’s note.
Yours sincerely
Howard Preston
Retired Chairman SLRA

14 April 2012

Planning permission sought for two storey side extension with dormers to the front and rear at 10 Sandyhurst Lane
Following the rejection of two previous applications and an appeal to build a new property in the back garden of 10 Sandyhurst Lane, an application has been made to extend the existing property by replacing the existing garage and car port with a two storey extension with dormer windows to the front and rear. The closing date for comments is 7 May 2012. Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00406/AS).

3 April 2012

Planning permission granted for erection of a replacement 1.5 storey dwelling
at Hillside, 296 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 2 April 2012 to demolish the existing property at Hillside, 296 Sandyhurst Lane and replace it with a larger 1.5 storey dwelling on the same site (see news item 15 February 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00163/AS).

31 March 2012

Planning permission granted for replacement upvc windows and porch extension
at Longfield, 390 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 30 March 2012 for replacement upvc windows and a porch extension on the front elevation at Longfield, 390 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item 22 February 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00215/AS).

25 March 2012

Kent Highway Services makes a further response to SLRA lobby on road safety
at the A20/Sandyhurst Lane Junction (Potters Corner)

Members will be aware that the SLRA has been campaigning for improvements to the junction of the A20 and Sandyhurst Lane/Godinton Lane, in view of the number of road traffic accidents which have occurred here in the last few years (see news items 7 & 12 October 2011).

Our campaign has proposed to KCC Highways that the 40mph speed limit on the A20 should be extended beyond Potters Corner.

Whilst we have yet to succeed in this particular objective, we have made significant progress in persuading KCC that there is a road safety issue to be addressed. Their latest response is proposing traffic signs and improvements to road markings, subject to budgetary availability. The response may be viewed here.

23 March 2012

Changes to bus services serving Sandyhurst Lane from 1 April 2012

Changes to bus services serving the Maidstone Road end of Sandyhurst Lane have been announced:
The most significant change is to the existing Stagecoach service 510. From 1 April this will be renumbered service 10X. There will be 11 services on weekdays (currently 10), 10 on Saturdays (currently 7) and 5 on Sundays (no change). Buses will follow the same route (except that they will not call at Park Street), and newer, easy access buses will be provided on most journeys. Buses will run every hour for most of the day (Mon-Sat). In addition, it will not now be normally necessary to change buses in Ashford town if you are travelling on to the William Harvey Hospital, Sellindge, Port Lympne, Saltwood, Hythe, Sandgate and Folkestone. The 10X will transform into service number 10 or 10A in Ashford and continue. Through tickets are available.

Service number 523, currently provided by Kent Top Travel, will be replaced on 2 April 2012 by Stagecoach service 123. The frequency and route are unchanged, but two journeys per day are being extended to the Biddenden Vineyard. There are some minor changes to times.

Please go to our Local Services page for links to the timetables for all bus services serving Sandyhurst Lane.

23 March 2012

Planning permission sought for single storey rear extension
at Downs View, 350 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for a proposed single storey rear extension at Downs View, 350 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 15 April 2012. Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00329/AS).

21  March 2012

Further revised planning application for erection of houses
at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

Following the recent granting of planning permission for the development of the Carpenders site (see news item of 15 March 2012), yet another application has been submitted for a revised scheme. In fact it was submitted the day after planning permission was granted.

The new application is: “Replacement extension and new double garage to existing dwelling and construction of three new detached dwellings with integral garaging (revised scheme)”

This revised scheme differs very significantly from the previously approved scheme: three extra dwellings are proposed instead of two, i.e. four dwellings on the site instead of three.

This is the fourth scheme to be submitted for this site. The history is:

21/8/07: Scheme for 3 new houses, with demolition of existing house. Withdrawn by applicant. (Case number 07/01529/AS)
25/3/08: Outline planning permission granted for revised scheme for 3 new houses and demolition of existing house. (Case number 08/00190/AS)
13/5/11: Permission granted for ‘Reserved Matters’ in connection with outline permission above (Case number 11/00343/AS)
14/3/12: Permission granted for revised scheme for two new houses plus extension to existing house (Case number 12/00025/AS)
15/3/12: New scheme submitted for three new houses plus extension to existing house (Case number 12/00317/AS). The closing date for comments is 13 April 2012.

Full details of the latest application may be seen here (search for case number 12/00317/AS).

15 March 2012

Planning permission granted for new planning application for erection of houses at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission has been granted for the new application for the development of the site at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane (see news item of 28 January 2012). This is the site opposite Eastwell Towers, bounded by Eastwell Grange, Sandyhurst Lane and Faversham Road. Conditions attached to the permit include the inclusion of a landscaping scheme and measures to ensure that the first storey windows in houses A & C do not allow the overlooking of the existing adjacent properties. Full details may be found here. (search for case number 12/00025/AS).

9 March 2012

Howard Preston retires as Chairman of SLRA

Howard Preston, a founder member of the Sandyhurst Lane Residents' Association in 1983, has been Chairman for the past 13 years. At last night's committee meeting, he announced his retirement. Residents will be aware of the enormous amount of work Howard has done for the Association on a wide range of issues over many years. His knowledge and contacts on matters of local importance are unparalleled. The committee recorded a sincere vote of thanks to Howard, who will be succeeded at the AGM by committee member John Hobbs (subject to the election of committee members).

7 March 2012

Planning permission sought for side and rear extension at 7 Hoads Wood Gardens

An application has been made for a proposed side and rear extension, with conversion of part of the existing garage to living accommodation, at 7 Hoads Wood Gardens. The closing date for comments is 30 March 2012. Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00249/AS).

5 March 2012

Sandyhurst Lane to be temporarily CLOSED at each end
from 12 March 2012

KCC Highways and Transportation have announced that Sandyhurst Lane will be closed at both ends for resurfacing for 3-4 days, starting on Monday 12 March 2012. The work will generally be carried out between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm with the road being reopened at night where practicable. Only one end will be closed at any one time. The areas affected are from Faversham Road (A251) to 402 Sandyhurst Lane (just past Lenacre Street) and from Maidstone Road (A20) to Hoads Wood Gardens.

23 February 2012

Planning permission and listed building consent granted for amended scheme
for two storey extension at Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane

Planning permission and listed building consent were granted on 22 February 2012 for an amended scheme for the demolition of a single storey attached outbuilding and the erection of a two storey rear extension (see news item 6 January 2012). Full details are available here. (search for case numbers 11/01484/AS and 11/01485/AS).

22 February 2012

Planning permission sought for replacement upvc windows and porch extension
at Longfield, 390 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for replacement upvc windows and a porch extension on the front elevation at Longfield, 390 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 16 March 2012. Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00215/AS).

18 February 2012

WANTED: Bridge Players

Several SLRA members have expressed an interest in playing the game of Bridge. Some have not played before and others not for a number of years. We are looking for someone who is experienced in the game and who would be prepared to teach a few residents how to play it. If you are interested, either in teaching or playing, or both, please contact info@sandyhurst.co.uk (or use the 'Contact Us' page) in the first instance and we will put you in touch with the residents concerned.

15 February 2012

Planning permission sought for erection of a replacement 1.5 storey dwelling
at Hillside, 296 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made to demolish the existing property at Hillside, 296 Sandyhurst Lane and replace it with a larger 1.5 storey dwelling on the same site. The closing date for comments is 9 March 2012. Full details are available here. (search for case number 12/00163/AS).

7 February 2012

Pay by phone parking coming to Ashford BC car parks

Starting in March 2012, council-run car parks in Ashford and Tenterden will accept payment for parking over the phone using a debit or credit card.

The system allows users to register their payment details with Parkmobile, and then call or text to start and stop their parking. Smartphone users can also use the Parkmobile app to register their parking. 

The system is already being used in Dartford, Tonbridge & Malling and Sevenoaks, so anyone who has used the service in these boroughs need not register again.

A similar system is already in operation at the William Harvey Hospital, the NCP car park at Park Mall and the International Station car park. This system is operated by RingGo, who also offer online registration and free apps.

28 January 2012

New planning application for erection of houses at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

A new application has been made for the development of the site at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane. This is the site opposite Eastwell Towers, bounded by Eastwell Grange, Sandyhurst Lane and Faversham Road. The application is for the demolition of a side extension to the existing dwelling and existing garage and a proposed extension and new double garage to the existing dwelling and the construction of two detached dwellings with integral garages.

This follows a previous application, which was granted on 25 March 2008, for the erection of three houses on the site of Carpenders (with access from Eastwell Grange). This involved the complete demolition of the existing dwelling and its replacement with three new houses. The new application retains most of the existing dwelling and includes the erection of two new houses. In both cases, access to the site is from Eastwell Grange.

To see full details of the new application, click here (search for case number 12/00025/AS). To see the previous application, search for case number 08/00190/AS. There was also a follow up application for 'reserved matters' which was granted on 13 May 2011; this was case number 11/00343/AS.

The first application for development of this site was made in 2007 (case number 07/01529/AS) but this was withdrawn by the applicant.

Previous SLRA news items on this issue appeared on 26 March 2011 and 14 May 2011.

27 January 2012

Sandyhurst Lane to be temporarily CLOSED at the M20 bridge
from 13 February 2012

KCC Highways and Transportation have announced that Sandyhurst Lane will be closed to through traffic at the M20 bridge, starting at 0930 on Monday 13 February 2012. This is to allow refurbishment of the bridge. The closure will normally be from 0830 to 1700, with the road being re-opened outside these hours, using temporary traffic lights to control traffic. The Public Notice issued by KCC says the closure will last for up to five days, or until the works have been completed.

6 January 2012

Planning permission and listed building consent sought for amended scheme for two storey extension at Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane

Our news stories of 10 August 2011 and 27 September 2011 reported the application for, and granting of planning permission and listed building consent for an extension at Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane. Now, a fresh application has been made for an amended scheme for the demolition of a single storey attached outbuilding and the erection of a two storey rear extension. Full details are available here. (search for case numbers 11/01484/AS and 11/01485/AS).

News Archive for Jan-Jun 2012


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