31 March 2017
SLRA responses to Boundary Commission consultation on their draft recommendations
The closing date for the current public consultation by the Boundary Commission (Monday 3 April) is fast approaching.
The SLRA is proposing to make two submissions:
1. To request a further small adjustment to the Downs West/Bockhanger ward boundary. The Commission has agreed to our initial request to move it to include the properties on the south side of Sandyhurst Lane (including connected roads). We are now requesting that it also includes the ‘buffer zone’ which runs behind some properties in the Lane.
2. To object to the proposal to move most of the properties currently in Boughton Aluph & Eastwell ward into a new Goat Lees ward.
The final drafts of these submissions may be viewed via these links:
Submission on Downs West/Bockhanger boundary
Submission on Goat Lees ward
Subject to any last minute amendments, we propose to send these to the Commission on Sunday 2 April.
29 March 2017
Planning permission granted for garage and driveway at
Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane
Planning permission was granted on 28 March 2017 for the erection of a new 3 bay timber framed garage and extension of existing tarmac driveway at Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 17/00150/AS).
28 March 2017
Permitted development approval sought for extension at 58 Sandyhurst Lane
An application has been made for permitted development approval for a single storey rear extension at 58 Sandyhurst Lane. The The closing date for comments is 20 April 2017. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 17/00007/GPDE/AS).
25 March 2017
Planning permission sought for garage conversion at
Cornerways, Sandyhurst Lane
An application has been made for planning permission for conversion of the garage and alterations to roof and extension to driveway and crossover at Cornerways, Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 17 April 2017. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 17/00443/AS).
24 March 2017
Boundary Commission Review - proposals for Boughton Aluph & Eastwell
SLRA Committee member John Faulkner is canvassing residents in the Boughton Aluph & Eastwell part of the SLRA area on the proposals which the Boundary Commission has made to create a new ward named Goat Lees. The circular being distributed to residents may be viewed here together with the associated map.
23 March 2017
Planning permission sought for extensions at 62 Sandyhurst Lane
An application has been made for planning permission for proposed single storey and two storey rear extensions, replacement porch, changes to external materials, addition of first floor window to side elevation, driveway alterations and addition of flue at 62 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 15 April 2017. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 17/00424/AS).
14 March 2017
Refurbishment of Hothfield Post Office and Stores
Hothfield Post Office and Stores will be closed for refurbishment from 9th April 2017 and will re-open on 18th April 2017.
9 March 2017
Planning permission sought for garage and home office
at Elvey Cottage, Kingsland Lane
An application has been made for planning permission for the erection of a double garage incorporating a home office at Elvey Cottage, Kingsland Lane. The closing date for comments is 1 April 2017. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 17/00319/AS).
7 March 2017
Sandyhurst Lane to be closed for 48 hours
Sandyhurst Lane is to be closed at the Faversham Road (A251) junction for 48 hours from 7 pm on Friday 17 March to 7 pm on Sunday 19 March 2017.
This is to allow Kent County Council to remove the surface and then resurface the road junction.
If inclement weather prevents the work being carried out as scheduled, a new date will be arranged.
The KCC leaflet giving details of this closure is available here – please do not print it as it is being distributed to properties in the area.
22 February 2017
SLRA responds to consultation on footpath AU1
Further to the site meeting on footpath AU1 (see preceding news item), the 'informal' consultation has been issued by KCC and the SLRA has responded, supporting the proposed extinguishment. To view the documents, please click on the consultation letter, consultation map and SLRA response.
21 February 2017
Update on footpath AU1
The site meeting on footpath AU1 (see news item 14 February 2017) was held today. A report of the meeting may be viewed here.
15 February 2017
Planning permission granted for extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane
Planning permission was granted on 14 February 2017 for a two storey and part single storey rear extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane. This was a revised application for an extension which was refused and was recently dismissed on appeal. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01833/AS).
14 February 2017
Extinguishing footpath AU1 in prospect
For many years, the SLRA and some residents in 12 properties on the even numbered side of Sandyhurst Lane, in the region of 140s to 160s, have been trying to persuade Kent County Council to extinguish the public right of way (Footpath AU1) which runs through their properties. A meeting in 2009 records that agreement had been reached with the Ramblers Association that the footpath could be extinguished, but little progress followed.
Now, following a formal application made two years ago by a resident, KCC are actively working on the issue and a site meeting will be taking place next week in order to progress it.
A map showing footpath AU1 and other nearby footpaths may be viewed here.
8 February 2017
Planning appeal for extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane is dismissed
The planning appeal following the refusal of permission for a two storey rear and side-wrap around extension, including single storey rear element, at 106 Sandyhurst Lane, has been dismissed. The Inspector concluded that "the proposed extension due to its design, bulk and mass and the proposed use of render would adversely affect the character and appearance of the host property and the wider streetscene". Full details may be viewed here (search for application number 16/01574/AS).
This appeal is in addition to the earlier re-submission of a revised application for planning permission (application number 16/01833/AS), which has yet to be decided.
7 February 2017
East Kent Health and Care Listening Event
‘Listening events’ are being held this month by each of East Kent’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, to support the development of health and care plans.
The Ashford event is being held on Friday 17 February, 1.00 - 4.00 pm at the Julie Rose Stadium.
If you wish to participate, please book a place at the event by emailing info.eastkent@nhs.net.
Background from East Kent NHS
In autumn 2016 the Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Plan was published. This is a plan that sets out an ambition for changing the NHS and social care in our local area which is being drawn up by committees of local doctors, hospital chief executives, patient groups and councils. The listening events will be an opportunity to discuss first-hand the criteria we want to use in Kent and Medway to ensure the plans are robust and will work for each and every community. We hope people with an interest in health and care will be able to attend to hear about our progress on improving local care and talk about what we all need from other parts of the system, including our hospital services, going forward.
Full details are on the East Kent NHS website: http://eastkent.nhs.uk/news/join-listening-event-help-shape-future-health-care/
7 February 2017
LGBCE draft recommendations for Ashford borough wards published
Members will recall the public consultation on warding arrangements for Ashford Borough Council which was undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) from 28 June to 5 September 2016.
After some delay, the LGBCE has today published its draft recommendations, which are the subject of a further consultation period until 3 April 2017. This will be followed by publication of the final recommendations on 6 June 2017.
The draft recommendations, insofar as they relate to the SLRA area, are as follows:
(for links to the report and maps, see the end of this item).
LGBCE have accepted our proposal that all those properties in the SLRA area currently in Bockhanger ward are should be included in Downs West ward. This is commensurate with the same properties moving from Bockhanger into Westwell Parish, which was an SLRA recommendation accepted by Ashford Borough Council in its Community Governance Review in 2015. The properties affected include the even numbered side of Sandyhurst Lane from the A20 to number 196, together with Potters Close, Hoads Wood Gardens and Crossways to Hawthorn House, Maidstone Road.
The LGBCE draft recommendations state, in paragraph 44:
44 We received a number of submissions suggesting that Sandyhurst Lane be included wholly in the Downs West ward. We have therefore amended the ward boundary in this area. We have made a small modification to include one property at Sandyhurst Farm in Downs West ward, in order to reflect the farm’s access onto Sandyhurst Lane.
However, they have NOT included the whole of Sandyhurst Lane wholly in Downs West ward (as we proposed); only that part which currently lies in Bockhanger ward and PART of Lenacre Street (see below).
The LGBCE has also recommended, in para 50:
50 We have created a new one-member ward named Goat Lees for an area that was previously within Bockhanger ward. This ward is based on the Council’s submission and will achieve a good level of electoral equality by 2022.
Examination of the map which accompanies the report shows that this is somewhat erroneous; the new Goat Lees ward is in an area which was previously within Boughton Aluph & Eastwell (BA&E) ward, not Bockhanger ward. This detail aside, however, the new Goat Lees ward includes all those properties in the SLRA are which are currently in BA&E ward, with the exception of some properties in Lenacre Street, which is split between Goat Lees ward and Downs West ward.
The SLRA lobbied against this situation and we shall be responding further to the consultation prior to the publication of the final recommendations.
Finally, the LGBCE also included recommendations about Parish Councils affected by the new ward arrangements. Westwell is not mentioned, but for Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish, the following recommendation is made:
70 As a result of our proposed ward boundaries and having regard to the statutory criteria set out in schedule 2 to the 2009 Act, we are providing revised parish electoral arrangements for Boughton Aluph & Eastwell parish.
Draft recommendation
Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council should comprise eight councillors, as at present, representing three wards:
Parish ward Number of parish councillors
Boughton Lees 1
Eastwell 1
Goat Lees 6
The LGBCE draft recommendations may be viewed here and the map here. A ‘blown up’ map showing the proposed ward boundaries in the SLRA area is available here.
6 February 2017
Application to fell trees withdrawn
We have today been informed by Ashford Borough Council that the application to fell nine birch trees between Sandyhurst Lane and Aylesbury Road, Goat Lees, (see news item 16 January 2017) has been withdrawn by the applicant. The letter can be seen here.
4 February 2017
Planning permission sought for new garage at Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane
An application has been made for planning permission for the erection of a new 3 bay timber framed garage and extension of existing tarmac driveway at Kingsland House, Kingsland Lane. The closing date for comments is 27 February 2017. Full details may be viewed here (case number 17/00150/AS).
1 February 2017
Update on the water leak in Sandyhurst Lane
Many members will be well aware that, since last summer, there has been a water leak in Sandyhurst Lane, in the vicinity of the entrance to Pondfield. Many attempts have been made by local residents to get KCC and/or the relevant water company to fix it, reinstate the pavement and remove the yellow barriers around it, but there has been a history of alleged ‘buck passing’ between authorities, meaning it has yet to be permanently fixed.
A member brought this situation to the attention of the SLRA last November and we, in turn, asked Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council (BA&E PC) to intervene.
The Parish Council has duly done so and, at its December meeting, asked the Parish Clerk to write to KCC, Southern Water and South East Water to ascertain why the problem had not been solved.
Our friends in BA&E PC have now advised that initially, both Southern Water and South East Water stated that it was the responsibility of Kent County Council. However, they have since received confirmation from South East Water that they are investigating as it could potentially be their problem. There should be an update at next week’s Parish Council meeting (Monday 6 February).
We shall advise any further information received.
1 February 2017
Planning permission granted for extension at Dunster, 326 Sandyhurst Lane
Planning permission was granted on 31 January 2017 for a single storey side & rear extension to replace the garage and conservatory at Dunster, 326 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01868/AS).
28 January 2017
New bus shelter at Potters Corner
The bus shelter at Potters Corner, which was badly damaged by an HGV last November, was replaced yesterday.
28 January 2017
New bus routes - timetables published
The timetables for the new bus routes 'B' and 'E', which will run from Trinity Road from 12 February (see news item 25 January 2017) have now been published and are available by following the links on the 'Local Services' page of this website.
27 January 2017
SLRA lodges supplementary comment on application to fell protected birch trees
Further to our main objection submission (see news item 16 January), the SLRA has today lodged a supplementary comment on the application to fell nine birch trees between Sandyhurst Lane and the Goat Lees development. As the applicant may not be the land owner, we are urging Ashford Borough Council to ensure that the land owner is aware of the application and to ensure that the responsibility for replacing any felled dead or dangerous trees is correctly assigned and policed. The supplementary comment may be viewed here.
26 January 2017
Petition on speed limits for single track rural roads
There is a new online petition to Government to reduce the speed limit on single track rural roads from 60 mph to 30 mph. The petition runs for 6 months, until 11 July 2017.
At present it has approaching 1,800 signatures. If a petition reaches 10,000 signatures, the government responds and if it reaches 100,000 signatures the petition is considered for debate in parliament.
The full wording of the petition and its background details are as follows:
“Reduce the speed limit on single track rural lanes from 60mph to 30mph
Increased traffic using badly maintained single track rural lanes as alternative routes and for commercial purposes is putting unacceptable pressure on the infrastructure and rural population. The legal speed limit of 60mph needs reducing to 30mph for the safety of families, workers and other users.
The urban population of the UK 80% so 20% are rural dwellers. Why are 59% of fatalities in the UK on rural roads?
Many single track rural roads are horse tracks over 100 years old, now supporting repeated commercial use by carriers, sat nav alternatives to the clogged main routes and increasing leisure activities. There are no pavements or lighting leave home on foot with a buggy straight on to a road with a 60mph limit - unacceptable.”
Should you wish to sign the petition, it is available at https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/176763.
25 January 2017
New bus routes from Trinity Road
Members living towards the Faversham Road end of Sandyhurst Lane have access to the bus services running along Trinity Road (as well as the 666 route which stops at Eastwell Towers in Faversham Road).
At present, the services available in Trinity Road include Routes B, C, E and H. These are subject to major changes being introduced from Sunday 12 February 2017. Route C will no longer operate in Kennington and Route H will no longer run at all.
Route B is being reconfigured as a new ‘Little and Often’ service using minibuses which will run up to every 6 minutes (during the daytime) Mondays to Saturdays, linking Kennington, the town centre, the rail station, Asda, Park Farm and Bridgefield. During the evenings and on Sundays, minibuses will run up to every 15 minutes.
Route E will continue with a revised route and will be extended to serve the William Harvey Hospital. From Trinity Road, buses will run via Faversham Road, Upper Vicarage Road, The Street, Little Burton and Julie Rose Stadium every 30 minutes Mondays to Saturdays.
As soon as the new timetables are published, they will be added to the ‘Local Services’ page of this website, which already contains links to the timetables for the 666 service, together with those available at the Potters Corner end of the Lane (10X, 123 & 124). Meanwhile, a map showing the new routes from 12 February is here.
24 January 2017
Planning appeal for extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane
A planning appeal has been launched following the refusal of permission for a two storey rear and side-wrap around extension, including single storey rear element, at 106 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details may be viewed here (search for application number 16/01574/AS).
This appeal is in addition to the earlier re-submission of a revised application for planning permission (application number 16/01833/AS) – see our news item for 21 December 2016.
Listed building consent granted for Lenacre Hall Farm
Listed building consent was granted on 19 January 2017 for the partial dismantling and reconstruction of the north east elevation wall of the stowage barn, partial underpinning of the side barn and installation of weatherboard cladding to north east, north west and south east elevations of the side barn at Lenacre Hall Farm, 393 Sandyhurst Lane.
Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 16/01665/AS).
[Please note that this application relates to existing buildings and is not related to any plans for future development]
17 January 2017
It is with great sadness that we record the recent death of Ron Carden of Sandyhurst Lane. Ron was a former Chairman of the SLRA.
16 January 2017
Potters Corner replacement bus shelter
Westwell Parish Council has advised us that the bus shelter at Potters Corner, which was badly damaged by an HGV early in November, will be replaced on Friday 27 January 2017, with work starting at 9 am.
16 January 2017
SLRA lodges objection to application to fell protected birch trees
The SLRA has today lodged a strong objection to an application to fell nine birch trees which form part of a 'buffer zone' between dwellings in Sandyhurst Lane and those in the Goat Lees development. The nine trees in question are already part of a tree preservation order made in 2000. We strongly support the principle of buffer zones between the rural environment of Sandyhurst Lane and any new developments in its vicinity. This principle was recognised by Ashford Borough Council in the draft Local Plan proposal for the development of Eureka Park.
The SLRA submission objecting to the application to fell the trees may be viewed here. The application to fell the trees may be viewed here (search for tree application 17/00003/TP). The tree preservation order made in 2000 may be viewed here (search for order TPO/00/00007).
13 January 2017
Outline planning permission refused for new dwelling in front of
250 Sandyhurst Lane
Outline planning permission was yesterday refused for a new 3 storey dwelling and re-positioning of the existing garage on land to the front of Molehill, 250 Sandyhurst Lane.
The grounds for refusal include the following:
- it would result in overdevelopment of the site and would erode the prevailing pattern of development
- there would be unacceptable levels of overlooking into the new dwelling and associated garden
- there is insufficient information to determine the impact of the proposal on biodiversity
- there is insufficient information to determine the impact of the proposal on existing trees
Full details may be viewed here (application number 16/01690/AS).
6 January 2017
Boundary Commission consultation - new dates announced
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) is undertaking a review of warding arrangements for Ashford Borough Council (see previous news item dated 5 September 2016).
The LGBCE originally intended to publish their draft recommendations on 8 November 2016, followed by a further consultation with the final recommendations planned for publication on 14 March 2017. However, these dates were scrapped and we have been waiting for new dates to be published; this has now been done.
The draft recommendations will now be published on 7 February 2017 and a further consultation period will then run until 3 April 2017. The final recommendations will then be published on 6 June 2017.
This will clearly be one of the ‘hot topics’ for debate at the SLRA AGM on 29 March 2017. The SLRA submitted evidence which shows that there are important issues at stake following the proposal by Ashford Borough Council to create a new ward in our area.
Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association
Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area
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