18 December 2013
Update on why that sign is not working
Further to our update on 20 November (see below), we are still chasing KCC to finish the installation of the
new ‘SLOW DOWN’ interactive traffic sign on the westbound carriageway of the A20, approaching Potters
The sign is still not working, three months after it was erected.
Our latest effort was via KCC Councillor Charlie Simkins, who kindly agreed to raise the matter at the
meeting of the Joint Transportation Board on Tuesday 10 December. The minutes of that meeting have now
appeared and include the following reference to the question he raised:
“Officers agreed to feed back more information to Members on the following matters that appeared on the
Highway Works Programme:
Progress with the electrical connection work for the eastern interactive warning sign at the
A20/Sandyhurst Lane [junction] which was currently being delayed by UK Power”
Charlie Simkins has also contacted KCC Traffic Schemes direct, who say they are awaiting a reply from the
We are grateful to Mr Simkins for helping us to pursue this issue and we will continue to apply pressure
until the sign is working.
17 December 2013
Review of Council Tax Support scheme
As part of the welfare reform changes, Council Tax Benefit was abolished in April 2013 and replaced with a
local scheme called Council Tax Support (also known as Council Tax Reduction).
The support available depends on factors such as which benefits you receive, your age, your income,
savings, who you live with and how much Council Tax you pay. You may get more Council Tax Support if you
receive a disability or carer's benefit.
Each year, local Councils are required to review their scheme and Ashford Borough Council (ABC) want to
let residents know about the changes proposed in their current review.
ABC say that their revised proposals mean that:
· The scheme still encourages working-age claimants to return to work if they are able to do so
· Working-age claimants will be asked to pay 1.5% (less than 50p per week in most cases) more towards
their council tax bill for the 2014-15 financial year
· Pensioners remain unaffected by the changes
· Disabled claimants will continue to receive additional protection, meaning they are only asked to pay 5%
towards their council tax bill (Ashford Borough Council is the only local authority in Kent offering
additional protection to disabled claimants)
· Non-residential carers will continue to receive additional protection, meaning they will only be asked to
pay 5% towards their council tax bill
ABC’s consultation on their revised proposals runs until 9 January 2014. To take part in the consultation,
you are asked to complete the council tax support questionnaire, which is available via this website.
Ashford Borough Council’s cabinet members will consider the responses and determine the local system on
16 January 2014.
10 December 2013
Heavy load movement rescheduled
The transportation of the heavy transformer from Dover to Sellindge via Ashford did not take place as
planned on Sunday 8 December 2013 (see news item dated 29 November 2013).
It has now been rescheduled for Saturday 14 December 2013. Full details are available in a letter from
National Grid, which may be viewed here.