News Archive for Jul-Dec 2016               
31 December 2016

Planning permission sought for extension at Dunster, 326 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for planning permission for a single storey side & rear extension to replace the garage and conservatory at Dunster, 326 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 23 January 2017. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01868/AS).

21 December 2016

Planning application resubmitted for extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane

Following the refusal of planning permission, on 8 December 2016, for a two storey rear and side-wrap around extension, including single storey rear element, at 106 Sandyhurst Lane, the application has been resubmitted for a part single/part two storey wrap around extension.
The closing date for comments is 13 January 2017. Full details may be viewed here (application number 16/01833/AS).

9 December 2016

Planning permission refused for extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was refused on 8 December 2016 for a two storey rear and side-wrap around extension, including single storey rear element, at 106 Sandyhurst Lane. The planning assessment includes the following reasons for refusal:

“The proposed extension is of a scale, form and design which would not sit comfortably on the existing dwelling. The large two storey extension to the side and rear and single storey element to the rear would cumulatively result in a form of development which would be disproportionate to the size of the existing dwelling. The extension is therefore not a subordinate or well-designed addition. The resultant dwelling would not sit comfortably within the context of two, largely, matching pair of semi-detached two storey dwellings which both have catslide elements to the side with dormer windows at first floor. The proposed development would result in an unbalancing of the existing form. Whilst the two storey side and rear extension would be set back from the front elevation the impact of a full storey height eaves and gable to the rear would be at odds with the existing dwelling. The extension would be highly prominent and visible from public vantage points including the public footpath to the east of the site. Whilst it is partially screened from the road by existing vegetation, this is outside of the Council's control and it cannot be relied upon to screen the development and does not, therefore, make it acceptable. The large proportion of glazing to the rear elevation is also at odds with the more traditional fenestration detailing and jars with the design of the existing dwelling.”

Full details may be viewed here (search for application number 16/01574/AS).

9 December 2016

New Council 'Report It' web page

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has introduced a new online reporting system, making it easier for residents to report issues such as fly-tipping, littering, dog fouling, vandalism, anti-social behaviour, missed bin collections, damaged street nameplates, planning enforcement issues, etc.

The new system replaces a variety of former online forms and allows residents to report incidents and then track their progress via a unique reference number. The new web page can be found here.

Please remember that, in general, ABC is not responsible for street issues such as street lights, salt bins, potholes, overgrown trees etc. For reporting these issues, please use the existing KCC website here.

8 December 2016

Christmas & New Year Bin Collections

SLRA members who normally have their refuse, recycling, food and garden recycling bins collected on a Thursday will have the following arrangements over the Christmas and New Year period:

Recycling (green): Collection due on Thursday 29th December will take place on Saturday 31st December

Refuse (grey): Collection due on Thursday 5th January will take place on Saturday 7th January

Recycling (green): Collection due on Thursday 12th January will take place on Friday 13th January

Normal Recycling, Refuse and Food collections will resume on Thursday 19th January.

Garden Recycling (brown): No collection on Thursday 5th January. (The next collections after today will be 22nd December and then 19th January)

The full schedule is here, but there is no need to print it – Ashford Borough Council will be delivering it to each household, together with a “free” clear plastic recycling bag for extra recycled items.

NB Ashford Borough Council is asking for bins to be out by 6 am and also state that collections may be up to one day later than the published dates.

22 November 2016

Planning permission granted for garden room at 4 Potters Close

Planning permission was granted on 21 November 2016 for the erection of a single storey oak framed garden room to rear elevation with raised platform at 4 Potters Close. Details may be viewed here (case number 16/01424/AS).

19 November 2016

Outline planning permission sought for new dwelling in front of
250 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for outline planning permission for a new 3 storey dwelling and re-positioning of the existing garage on land to the front of Molehill, 250 Sandyhurst Lane.

The closing date for comments is 12 December 2016. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01690/AS).

15 November 2016

Planning permission granted for 2 and 4 Potters Close

Planning permission was granted on 14 November 2016 for the following two applications:

2 Potters Close – Erection of a single storey rear extension. Details may be viewed here. (Case number 16/01318/AS).

4 Potters Close – Erection of a single storey oak framed garden kitchen to rear elevation of existing garage. Details may be viewed here. (Case number 16/01482/AS)

11 November 2016

Listed building consent sought for Lenacre Hall Farm

An application has been made for the partial dismantling and reconstruction of the north east elevation wall of the stowage barn, partial underpinning of the side barn and installation of weatherboard cladding to north east, north west and south east elevations of the side barn at Lenacre Hall Farm, 393 Sandyhurst Lane.

The closing date for comments is 4 December 2016. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 16/016654/AS).

[Please note that this application relates to existing buildings and is not related to any plans for future development]

3 November 2016

Potters Corner Bus Shelter

The Potters Corner bus shelter has been struck and badly damaged by an HGV in a hit and run accident. Please note that the Police and Westwell Parish Council are aware and the Parish Council (which owns the bus shelter) will be arranging for the necessary repairs.

3 November 2016

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway

A document has been received from the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, describing how they are working with social and public health services to plan improvements in the delivery of health and social care in Kent & Medway over the next five years. The document may be viewed here.

As part of this process, a public consultation is running from 13 October to 23 December 2016, using an online survey form.

If you wish to find out more and/or have your say on this issue, there is a list of relevant links on the last page of the attached documents.

Alternatively, click here for the relevant page of the website of the Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group and/or here to go directly to the survey.

26 October 2016

Planning permission sought for extension at 106 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for planning permission for the erection of a rear and side-wrap around extension, with a double height element at 106 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 17 November 2016. Full details may be viewed here. (search for case number 16/01574/AS).

27 September 2016

Planning permission sought for garden kitchen at 4 Potters Close

Following the planning application notified on 27 September (below), a further application for planning permission has been made for the erection of a single storey oak framed garden kitchen to the rear elevation of the existing garage at 4 Potters Close. The closing date for comments is 29 October 2016. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01482/AS).

27 September 2016

Planning permission sought for garden room at 4 Potters Close

An application for planning permission has been made for the erection of a single storey oak framed garden room to rear elevation with raised platform at 4 Potters Close. The closing date for comments is 20 October 2016. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01424/AS).

15 September 2016

Ashford Borough Council publishes representations made on
the draft Local Plan to 2030

Following the public consultation on the draft Ashford Local Plan to 2030, which closed on 10 August 2016, Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has published the 2,866 representations received. They are available via the ABC website here. These representations will now be considered by the Council. Following a full analysis of the representations, a decision will be made as to whether to submit the Local Plan for an ‘Examination’ by a Government appointed Inspector, or to make changes to the draft plan. If changes to the Local Plan are proposed, ABC will re-consult with stakeholders and the public on any proposed changes for a 6 week period.

In many cases, the published comments are not easy to find and we recommend using the search facility at the top of the page listing all 2,866 comments received. This is here.

Of particular interest are comments made in relation to “omission sites”, ie development sites originally submitted for consideration but omitted from the draft Plan. These are effectively appeals for these sites to be included in the next version of the Plan.

Four of the omission sites are in the SLRA area and are shown below (with their original site numbers). Clicking on each of them links direct to the comment on that site.

Woodside, Westwell Lane (DW9)
Beechbrook (DW12) (not an appeal for housing development, but a suggestion as a lorry park)
Lenacre Hall Farm (BAE1)
Former Sandpit, Sandyhurst Lane (BAE2) (Also here, shorter version)

The SLRA comments on Eureka Park,
Recreation, Sport, Play & Open Spaces, The approach to Heavy Goods Vehicles and Landscape Character can be seen by clicking on the relevant link.

5 September 2016

SLRA responds to Boundary Commission consultation

Following consultation with members, SLRA has submitted a response to the
public consultation on the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) review of warding arrangements for Ashford Borough Council (incorrectly referred to as Ashford District Council on the LGBCE website). We have made a strong case opposing the proposals from Ashford Borough Council for part of a new Trinity Ward to split the properties in our area currently in Boughton Aluph & Eastwell ward.

The full response may be viewed here.

4 September 2016

Planning permission sought for extension and pool at 2 Potters Close

An application for planning permission has been made for the erection of a single storey rear extension, external pool and raising of garden levels at 2 Potters Close. The closing date for comments is 25 September 2016. Full details may be viewed here (case number 16/01318/AS).

8 August 2016

SLRA responds to consultation on draft Ashford Local Plan

SLRA has now finalised and submitted its response to the draft Ashford Local Plan to 2030. The response included comments on the proposed further development of Eureka Park, with residential and commercial properties, bordering a large part of Sandyhurst Lane. Comments were also submitted on the proposals for the further development of sports and social facilities at Sandyacres and on the policy for heavy goods vehicles.

The SLRA response may be viewed here.

27 July 2016

Planning permission granted for new front drive at
Greenlands, 358 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 26 July 2016 for the creation of new vehicular access on to Sandyhurst Lane and widening of existing access at Greenlands, 358 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details may be viewed here (search for case number 16/00776/AS).

15 July 2016

Temporary closure of direct access to Westwell village

Kent County Council has issued a notice (here) that part of The Street, Westwell, will be temporarily closed to traffic during the daytime from Monday 25 July for an estimated period of two weeks.

“The Street” is not shown on most maps (eg Google); it is often shown as part of Westwell Lane (one of many!). As shown on the map here, it is the road leading into Westwell village from the south.

This means that the road closure will prevent direct access from Sandyhurst Lane to Westwell using the Westwell Lane which starts opposite the Golf Club. It will also prevent access via Watery Lane.

Alternative routes into Westwell can be accessed from the A20 at Tutt Hill (another Westwell Lane!) or via Lenacre Street.

The closures are to enable Kent County Council to carry out kerbing works together with works to replace broken gullies.

These works are weather dependent, and if adverse conditions prevent them being completed within the planned dates, the duration may need to be extended or some works re-scheduled.

10 July 2016

Westwell workshop on draft Local Plan

Westwell Parish Council is holding a

“Comment on the Local Plan” workshop on Saturday 16 July, 11 am to 1 pm in Westwell Parish Hall.

This is a great opportunity to hear more/comment/debate the issues concerning Westwell – which includes the proposed Eureka Park development which impacts on Sandyhurst Lane – and to help develop individual personal responses to the consultation. Do come along!
Sandyhurst Lane
Residents Association

Protecting the rural character of Sandyhurst Lane and the adjoining area


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