We continue to resist any efforts that seek to enlarge the indicative residential/commercial scope or amend the Policies clearly set out for the development of Site S20 in this Local Plan. These must continue to include the provision of “a generous landscaped buffer to residential properties along Sandyhurst Lane” and that “the Public Rights of Way running through the site should be maintained and incorporated within the development.”
We strongly oppose any efforts contradicting or amending Site S20 Policy para (e) that provides vehicular access is ONLY via Trinity Road (and NOT through Sandyhurst Lane).
We require that the developer takes steps to ensure the safety of the existing pedestrian and cycle users of Sandyhurst Lane is enhanced to accommodate the additional non-vehicular use arising from the development.
We reluctantly accept the impact on transport flows and local infrastructure, including schools and medical facilities, that the development on the indicative scale as set out for S20 in the Local Plan will have, but strongly resist any increases over that limit for their consequential impact and further deterioration it would have on the quality of life of our members.
We expect representation of the SLRA on any master-planning group.
We agreed to write to Quadrant requiring that any Consultation they undertake will include ALL residents of the Sandyhurst Lane community.
We recognise that members may have other concerns and encourage them to voice them individually to ABC or collectively through the other groups set up for that purpose.