27 June 2011
SLRA nominates an Olympic torch bearer
The SLRA has put forward a nomination for one of the 8000 citizens who will carry the Olympic torch on its journey round Britain in 2012. It is scheduled to go from Dover to Maidstone on 19 July 2012.
Our nomination is Ivor Groves, the postman who has served our community for the past 33 years. Ivor is also a resident of Sandyhurst Lane.
The citation, which is limited to 150 words, reads as follows:
"The Sandyhurst Lane Residents’ Association of Ashford, Kent wishes to nominate Ivor Groves as an Olympic torch bearer. Ivor has, for the past 33 years, been the most reliable, conscientious and loyal postman we could wish to have. Far more than just a postman, Ivor serves the community by keeping an eye on the aged and vulnerable, alerting residents to problems and incidents and carrying out countless good deeds for the community which he serves. He does all this with a helpful, pleasant and friendly disposition.
Furthermore, Ivor has raised over £13,000 for local and national charities by running in fifteen marathons and has represented his country in the World Veterans Athletics Championships in 1999 and 2001. He has also received community service awards from the Post Office, the Daily Mail and the Association of Men of Kent. He was made a Freeman of the City of London in 2007."
Nomination does not, of course, guarantee acceptance. Rather like the ticket buying process, there is a significant element of luck involved, because the short list will be prepared by ballot. Following this, a judging panel from the local area will make the decisions.
We will keep you informed of any progress with this nomination.
[Dec 2011: Sadly, this nomination did not succeed; the list was 11 times oversubscribed]
23 June 2011
Footpath diversion - Public Notice of Confirmation
Following the Notice of plans to divert the footpath AE210, which runs from Sandyhurst Lane to Trinity Road (see news item 9 May 2011) and the SLRA response (news item 6 June 2011), the Public Notice of Confirmation has now been published. This means that the diversion will be implemented unless any complaint on a point of law is made and upheld. The Public Notice of Confirmation may be viewed here.
21 June 2011
SLRA response to consultation on 'Submitted Sites' for Ashford Urban Sites and Infrastructure Development Plan
The SLRA has submitted a response to this consultation (see news item 25 May 2011) in respect of the two sites in Sandyhurst Lane. The response is as follows:
Sandyhurst Lane Residents' Association strongly objects to any attempt to build houses on Site E (former Nickolls Sandpit) and Site F (Braehead, 198 Sandyhurst Lane) with access onto Sandyhurst Lane on grounds of road safety. Earlier attempts to build 5 houses on Site E were refused.
Current private road between Tile Lodge (No. 196 Sandyhurst Lane) and Vine Cottage (No. 202) additionally gives access to May Cottage (No. 200), Nickolls Sandpit (Site E) and Braehead (No. 198, Site F).
Sandyhurst Lane has a pavement along the southerly side from Faversham Road to No. 300 followed by entrance to No. 296 and No. 298 and a chevron sign at the top of Tile Lodge Hill where road descends and bends sharply to the left. Most car accidents occur at this point having driven too fast and end up on the left hand bank (part of Eureka) or overturning into the road.
There is no footpath on either side of Tile Lodge Hill although it would be possible to walk on the wide grassed area on right if it were not for the trees from Sandyacres, or more probably KCC 's hedge overbranching onto the road. This possible escape for walkers disappears, when the second disused sandpit (Mrs Jean Fagg's) below Sandyacres is reached where the road bends to the RHS, opposite Vine Cottage, with a tree on the road edge of the sandpit. Most wing mirror losses occur here but more dangerous is the end to the LHS bend around No.196 Tile Lodge and private access road. Further crashes have occurred when cars emerging from the access road especially if travelling uphill.
Nickolls Sandpit extends from Vine Cottage (No. 202) up Tile Lodge Hill to Molehill (No. 250) and Eureka boundary and part of the Sandyhurst Farm access track.
Braehead (No. 298), about 2 acres, forms part of the SW boundary of Nickolls Sandpit, backing onto part of garden of Sandyhurst House. The approx 8 acres field between 198, Nickolls Sandpit, Sandyhurst House and the Alders is now owned by Trinity College Cambridge. It is not part of Upper Terrace currently being developed for commercial premises (Bidwells/Quadrant).
I doubt if Trinity/Bidwells would permit access from Site E & F onto Trinity Road.
Yours faithfully
Howard Preston
Sandyhurst Lane Residents' Association
8 June 2011
Burglars are active in Sandyhurst Lane. On 7 June 2011 a house was burgled near the Faversham Road end of Sandyhurst Lane. Another house in the Lane had an attempted break-in during May. Members are reminded to be vigilant and mindful of domestic security, and to take all the normal precautions, like closing windows, locking doors, locking away access equipment (like ladders), setting alarms, etc - even for brief periods.
See the advice from Kent Police.
6 June 2011
Footpath diversion - SLRA Response to Public Notice
Following the issue of a Public Notice relating to the diversion of footpath AE210 (see news item 9 May 2011), the SLRA has made a response as follows:
"Sandyhurst Lane Residents' Association supports the diversion of AE210 (part) under Public Path Diversion order 2011, provided it is safe to use, is landscaped, and is pleasant to walk.
The current position of AE210 through the hedge between F and G, down a bank into the boggy uneven ground adjacent to the unfenced pond, and up a high bank to reach the raised farm access track from AU2A towards rear of Molehill (No 250), is dangerous. We objected to this dangerous route last year (Planning Application 10/00537/AS Ashford Borough Council) which was instituted by KCC PROW to return to AE210 original route.
This year (2011) has been the driest season for years, but in previous years (e.g. 1999-2002) this area was flooded and was not passable. Can we urgently request that the barbed wire and branches, blocking the previous well-used AE210 route from Sandyhurst Farm Cottage/AU2A along the level raised farm access track, be removed to enable disabled walkers to access proposed AE210 diversion safely without waiting for Diversion Order 2011 approval and kissing gates to be installed?"
25 May 2011
Appeal against planning permission refusal for erection of house to rear of
10 Sandyhurst Lane / Potters Close
Following the second refusal of permission to build a three bedroom house in the back garden of 10 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item 10 March 2011), an appeal has been lodged with the Secretary of State for the Environment. Comments already made on this planning application have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate; any new comments should be sent in triplicate to the Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN by 29 June 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00024/AS).
25 May 2011
Ashford Urban Sites and Infrastructure Development Plan: Consultation on 'Submitted Sites'
The Urban Sites and Infrastructure Development Plan Document outlines which sites outside the town centre and the two urban extensions could be developed to accomodate the town's growth. The Council's proposed plan underwent a formal 6 week consultation between December 2010 and February 2011.
During this consultation nine additional housing and employment sites were promoted for development by landowners and/or developers. These are known as 'Submitted Sites'.
Ashford Borough Council have now issued a leaflet (copy here) which gives details of these Submitted Sites, two of which are in Sandyhurst Lane:
Site E: Former Sandpit, Sandyhurst Lane
This site is being proposed for residential development. It runs along the whole of the south side of Mole Hill, between numbers 200 and 250 Sandyhurst Lane.
Site F: Land at 198 Sandyhurst Lane
This site is being proposed for residential development of 'around 4-5 homes'. It lies adjacent to Site E.
The leaflet includes the statement "Please note these sites and proposals are not being promoted by the Council and do not constitute the Council’s intentions for future development in the urban area. However, comments received will help inform the final contents of Urban Sites and Infrastructure DPD, which will be submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration towards the end of 2011."
The window for comments is from 24 May to 5 pm on 20 June 2011. Comments are invited by the Council:
- on their Consultation Portal at: www.ashford.gov.uk/consult
- by sending an email to: ashfordldf@ashford.gov.uk
- by writing to: Planning Policy, Ashford Borough Council,
Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL
19 May 2011
Planning permission sought for installation of PV solar panels
at Lenacre Hall Farm,393 Sandyhurst Lane
An application has been made to install photovoltaic solar panels on a south facing roof at Lenacre Hall Farm. Comments are due by 11 June 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00493/AS).
14 May 2011
Planning permission granted for "reserved matters" for erection of three houses
at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane
Planning permission was granted three years ago for the erection of three houses on the site of Carpenders, at the Faversham Road end of Sandyhurst Lane (with access from Eastwell Grange). Further planning permission was granted on 13 May 2011 for "reserved matters", which are details of the scale, landscaping and appearance. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00343/AS).
9 May 2011
Westwell Parish Council Election Results
The count for this election was held this morning (delayed from 5 May because of the referendum).
The following candidates were elected to the Parish Council:
Anne Davidson, Christine Drury, Tessa Wyatt, Tom Lawrence, Clive Bainbridge, John Baldwin, Nick Faulkner, David Hooper.
There was a 3-way tie for the ninth seat, which was decided by a draw conducted by the Returning Officer (following consultation with the Electoral Commission), between Paul Absalom, Ron Butcher and Martin Keeys. As a result of the draw Ron Butcher was declared elected.
Full results of the election are available here.
9 May 2011
Footpath diversion - Public Notice
The SLRA has been closely involved in the plans to divert the footpath AE210, which runs from Sandyhurst Lane to Trinity Road. The diversion is necessary because of a new car park in Upper Pemberton Road, serving buildings in Eureka Park.
The Public Notice for the footpath diversion has now been published, together with a description and map and a copy is available here.
Any objections to the proposed diversion must be made by 6 June 2011.
6 May 2011
Ashford Borough Election Results
See our special page on the results of yesterday's local elections in the wards which impact on the area in which we live.
30 April 2011
New bus shelter at Potters Corner
Westwell Parish Council has now installed the new bus shelter at Potters Corner, near the Hare and Hounds (see news item 29 January 2011). Some work remains to be done to widen the path where the earth bank is currently situated, to allow the passage of buggies, wheelchairs, etc.
30 April 2011
Speedwatch in Sandyhurst Lane
Westwell Parish Council volunteers have now received training for the Police "Speedwatch" programme in which civilians are able to operate speed guns to monitor traffic speeds. A practice session took place in Sandyhurst Lane, where it is hoped that regular speed checks will be performed.
29 April 2011
Planning permission granted for single storey rear extension (sun room)
at 78 Sandyhurst Lane
On 28 April 2011, planning permission was granted for a single storey rear extension at 78 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00310/AS).
26 March 2011
Planning permission sought for "reserved matters" for erection of three houses at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane
Planning permission was granted on 25 March 2008 for the erection of three houses on the site of Carpenders, at the Faversham Road end of Sandyhurst Lane (with access from Eastwell Grange). A further application for "reserved matters", which are details of the scale, landscaping and appearance, has now been made. Comments are due by 18 April 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00343/AS).
23 March 2011
Planning permission sought for single storey rear extension (sun room) at 78 Sandyhurst Lane
An application has been made for a single storey rear extension at 78 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 15 April 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00310/AS).
10 March 2011
Planning permission refused again for erection of house to rear
of 10 Sandyhurst Lane / Potters Close
The revised application to build a three bedroom house in the back garden of 10 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item 13 January 2011), was refused by Ashford BC Planning Committee at its meeting on 9 March 2011. The proposed dwelling was considered to be too large for the site. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00024/AS).
3 March 2011
Planning application for erection of house to rear of
10 Sandyhurst Lane / Potters Close to be considered by Planning Committee
on 9 March 2011
The revised application to build a three bedroom house in the back garden of 10 Sandyhurst Lane will be considered by the Ashford BC Planning Committee at its meeting at 1900 on 9 March 2011. It is being recommended that permission be granted. The Planning Committee agenda is available here.
21 February 2011
Planning permission granted for front and rear single storey extensions
at Oakdene, Lenacre Street
On 15 February 2011, full planning permission was granted for the erection of front and rear single storey extensions at Oakdene, Lenacre Street. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/0002/AS).
15 February 2011
Planning permission granted for single storey rear extension
at Two Chimneys, 28 Sandyhurst Lane
On 14 February 2011, full planning permission was granted for the erection of a single storey rear extension at Two Chimneys, 28 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details are available here (search for case number 10/01699/AS).
29 January 2011
A new Bus Shelter at the Hare and Hounds?
A planning application has been submitted by Westwell Parish Council for the demolition of the existing dilapidated bus shelter at Potters Corner, in the lay-by at the Hare and Hounds, and its replacement with a new shelter of modern design. The application, including a photograph of the proposed type of shelter, may be seen here. (search for case number 11/00042/AS).The closing date for comments is 21 February 2011.
(Note: This application was decided on 22 February 2011 - to permit)
22 January 2011
We are very sad to report that Victor Berwick, the Association's Honorary Auditor, passed away on 21 January 2011. He was only six months short of his 100th birthday. Victor, who was a resident of Sandyhurst Lane, served the Association for many years and will be sadly missed.
13 January 2011
Planning permission re-sought for erection of house to rear of
10 Sandyhurst Lane / Potters Close
Following the previous refusal of planning permission to build a four bedroom house in the back garden of 10 Sandyhurst Lane, with access via Potters Close, (see news item 17 September 2010), a revised application has been submitted for a three bedroom house, with access from Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 4 February 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00024/AS).
8 January 2011
Planning permission sought for front and rear single storey extensions
at Oakdene, Lenacre Street
An application has been made for front and rear single storey extensions at Oakdene, Lenacre Street. The closing date for comments is 30 January 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 11/00002/AS).
7 January 2011
Planning permission sought for single storey rear extension
at Two Chimneys, 28 Sandyhurst Lane
An application has been made for a single storey rear extension at Two Chimneys, 28 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 30 January 2011. Full details are available here. (search for case number 10/01699/AS).
News Archive for Jan-Jun 2011
Please go to our News archive index