26 June 2014

SLRA action on proposed closure of Sandyhurst Lane

For the past week, the SLRA has been engaged in vigorously lobbying to try to reduce the impact of the forthcoming gas mains replacement road works on residents. Whilst we have not been able to able to prevent the forthcoming closure of Sandyhurst Lane to westbound traffic at the A20 junction, we have at least brought home to those concerned the importance of completing the works in the shortest possible time and explained to them the enormous disruption and inconvenience which residents will be enduring.

Our activity has included the following:

1. We contacted the two Kent County Council Councillors in whose Divisions the affected area lies. Charlie Simkins (Councillor for Ashford Rural West Division) took up our case and contacted Kevin Dash, the Roadworks Coordinator at KCC Highways responsible for the traffic management, explaining our request for a two-way traffic flow using traffic lights. The reply he received (view here) advised that the works will take place in the slip road on to the A20 and ruled out traffic emerging from Sandyhurst Lane into the single “fast lane” of the A20.

2. We also contacted Adrian Hart, Team Manager at Southern Gas Networks (SGN), who was the signatory of the original circular to residents. Adrian responded very positively and expressed regret that they had not been previously advised of the existence of the SLRA as it is their normal policy to consult with residents’ associations before commencing major road works. [Note: KCC Highways are well aware of the SLRA, not least because of our long running campaign to improve road safety on the A20]. Adrian called on two committee members at their houses and readily agreed to meet the full committee to discuss the issue.

3. A meeting of the full SLRA Committee was held yesterday evening. It was also attended by Adrian Hart, who brought with him Rod Stone, Project Manager and Steve Whitlock of Southern Gas Networks. We pressed very hard for KCC Highways to attend the meeting, but Kevin Dash was unable to attend and declined to send an alternate. The following points emerged:

One of our points was that closing Sandyhurst Lane westbound to avoid slow emerging traffic joining the fast lane of the A20 was pointless given that slow traffic would still be emerging from the large lay-by at the Hare and Hounds (eg buses and foreign lorries). However, we were advised that the lay-by will be closed to avoid this problem. The (Ashford bound) bus stop will temporarily be moved to a position further down the A20 towards Ashford (presumably after the road works, where the road returns to 2 lanes). We advised that one of our members lives in a property accessed from the lay-by; they will make the necessary access arrangements.

We explained the enormous impact of the road closure on our members, giving numerous examples of the disruption which will be caused (thanks to those who provided us with this ammunition). These included ‘nightmare’ school runs to Godinton and Repton Park, range problems for mobility scooters, missing connections for commuters, etc etc. Given that it was now looking impossible to prevent the road closure, we majored on the length of time which the works would take.

Adrian Hart and his colleagues responded positively and assured us that, although they had scheduled six weeks for the works, this included a significant contingency period to cope with unexpected problems. If such problems did not materialise, they expected to be able to complete the works in a shorter period (but no guarantees!). They assured us that they would do everything they could to minimise the length of time for the works.

We asked them if they could work weekends and evenings to shorten the time. They told us that to do so requires special licences from the Environment Agency and these are normally granted only in exceptional circumstances. However, they would be able to do some work on Saturday mornings (as they have done hitherto in Sandyhurst Lane). They also explained that there are inevitably periods when no work appears to be in progress, but they are in fact carrying out pressure leakage tests on each section of gas mains after it is laid.

The SGN team provided us with a map showing the diversion routes and their associated signage which will be put in place on Monday morning. The map can be viewed here. We discussed various other ideas on diversionary routes, but the alternatives were not viable because they involved very narrow lanes and, even if they were made one-way, would be unsuitable for all types of traffic, as well as causing further problems for farmers and local residents).

In summary, we have tried every avenue we could find to try to avoid the road closure. Although this has not been possible, there is now no doubt in the minds of SGN and the contractors of the enormous inconvenience and disruption that will be caused and they are showing very genuine determination to mitigate the impact as far as possible, and to try to complete the works in the minimum possible time.

We will remain in contact with them throughout the period of the works and will email members with any news or progress reports as and when we receive them from SGN.

One final point: The Hare and Hounds pub, which kindly hosted our meeting yesterday evening, is likely to be hit very hard by the road closure and the closure of the lay-by. Please remember that the pub will still be accessible on foot – pedestrians will still be allowed to exit the Lane!

20 June 2014

Further information on Sandyhurst Lane Closure

The following information has been received by an SLRA member from KCC:

With reference to the forthcoming road closure, I can confirm that the closure will affect all Westbound traffic, there will be no access to the A20 from Sandyhurst Lane during the works.

The replacement works will be in the slip road as you turn left out of Sandyhurst Lane, this would mean that traffic wishing to turn left would have to pull out straight into the outer “fast” lane, this was deemed to be an unacceptable risk and therefore to protect both motorists and the workforce the total closure would be the safest method of traffic management.

Vehicles on the A20 will still be able to gain access to Sandyhurst Lane during the works.

19 June 2014

SLRA responds to plans to close Sandyhurst Lane for six weeks

SLRA has written to KCC Councillors Charlie Simkins and Jim Wedgbury, objecting strongly to the KCC Order to prohibit westbound traffic from joining the A20 from Sandyhurst Lane from 30 June to 11 August 2014 (see story below). An alternative solution, using traffic lights to control two-way traffic, has been proposed by the Association. The letters can be seen here and here. A further letter has been sent to Southern Gas Networks.

18 June 2014

Sandyhurst Lane to be closed westbound at A20 for six weeks

Residents have today received a letter from Southern Gas Networks advising that KCC have made an Order to prohibit westbound traffic from joining the A20 from Sandyhurst Lane from 30 June to 11 August 2014 whilst work is carried out replacing gas mains and services. This will result in long diversions for six weeks. SLRA will be considering a response in the near future.

13 June 2014

Planning permission sought for a new patio at Sandyacres Sports & Social Centre

Sandyacres Sports & Social Centre has applied for planning permission to re-lay the existing patio area to a (modified) level finish, with hand railing and balustrade guarding. The existing patio slopes down from the clubhouse at an angle of about 5°; the new patio would be level with a surrounding picket fence 1100mm high. Full details of the application may be found here (if necessary, search for application 14/00611/AS). The closing date for comments is 6 July 2014.

6 June 2014

Planning permission granted for garage conversion at
Caversham, 308 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 5 June 2014 for the conversion of a garage and other alterations to form an ancillary annexe at Caversham, 308 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item 8 May2014). Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00524/AS).

20 May 2014

Proposed larger single storey rear extension at 5 Potters Close

It was decided on 19 May 2014 that no prior approval was required for this extension, to replace an existing conservatory. Details are available here (search for case number 14/0008/GPDE/AS).

20 May 2014

Planning permission granted for two storey side and rear extension
at Ranworth, Faversham Road

Planning permission was granted on 19 May 2014 for a two storey side and rear extension including dormer windows to front and conversion of existing garage to ancillary annexe at Ranworth, Faversham Road (see news item 22 April 2014). Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00386/AS).

8 May 2014

Planning permission sought for garage conversion at
Caversham, 308 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for the conversion of a garage and other alterations to form an ancillary annexe at Caversham, 308 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 31 May 2014. Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00524/AS).

5 May 2014

Accolade for SLRA member

Every year, Westwell Parish Council makes a Citizenship Award to somebody who has made a valuable contribution working for the community and for the people.

This year’s award, presented at the Annual Parish Meeting on 24 March 2014, went to SLRA member Susan Wood who works tirelessly as Westwell’s Parish Clark and is involved in numerous other community activities in Westwell.

On behalf of the SLRA, we offer Sue sincere congratulations on her very well-deserved recognition.

23 April 2014

Certificate sought for garage conversion at Caversham, 308 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for a lawful development certificate for the conversion of a garage and other alterations to form an ancillary annexe at Caversham, 308 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00443/AS).

22 April 2014

Planning permission sought for two storey side and rear extension
at Ranworth, Faversham Road

An application has been made for a two storey side and rear extension including dormer windows to front and conversion of existing garage to ancillary annexe at Ranworth, Faversham Road. The closing date for comments (which may be made online) is 5 May 2014. Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00386/AS).

8 April 2014

AT LAST! The traffic sign is working
(see story below, 19 March 2014)

19 March 2014

New traffic sign on A20 still not working, six months after installation

Six months after it was installed, the 'SLOW DOWN' traffic sign to the east of the A20/Sandyhurst Lane junction, which will be activated by traffic at over 55 mph, is still not connected to an electricity supply.

At the request of the SLRA, KCC Councillor Charlie Simkins yet again raised this matter at the Joint Transportation Board meeting on 11 March 2014. The minutes state:

Officers agreed to feed back more information to Members on the following matters that appeared on the Highway Works Programme:

• The status of the eastern interactive warning sign electrical connection work at the A20/Sandyhurst Lane.

We wait in eager anticipation!

13 March 2013

Planning permission granted for front and rear extensions
at Corona, Westwell Lane

Despite objections from a neighbour and from Westwell Parish Council, planning permission was granted on 12 March 2014 for the erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension, single storey front extension and conversion of garage to living accommodation at Corona, Westwell Lane (see news item dated 10 January 2014). Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00012/AS).

13 March 2014

Westwell Annual Village Meeting

The Westwell Annual Village Meeting will take place on Monday 24th March at 7.30 pm in Westwell Parish Hall. This is an opportunity to hear what the local societies and Westwell Parish Council have been up to over the past year. The borough councillor and county councillor will also be there, so this is a chance to have your say!

The agenda also includes the presentation of the annual Citizenship Award by George Horne. Refreshments will be served and Richard King (former county councillor for the area including Westwell) will be the guest speaker – it promises to be an entertaining and informative evening, and a warm invitation is extended by the organisers.

12 March 2014

Planning permission granted for garage conversion at
Fourwinds, 39 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 11 March 2014 for a garage conversion at Fourwinds, 39 Sandyhurst Lane (see news item dated 16 February 2014). Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00167/AS).

26 February 2014

Westwell PC makes robust response to ‘Submitted Sites’

Westwell Parish Council has considered all the development sites in its parish which have been proposed for inclusion in the Ashford Local Plan.  Referring to the workshop sessions which were held in Autumn 2013, the PC has concluded that there are serious objections to all the sites (based on the limited information available) and has recommended to the Borough Council that none of them is taken forward.

Following a recent survey of all residents, Sandyhurst Lane Residents’ Association made similar representations to the Borough Council in respect of those development sites in or near the Sandyhurst Lane area.

A copy of Westwell PC’s submission to Ashford Borough Council may be viewed here.

22 February 2014

Planning permission granted for the erection of a a two storey rear extension and detached garage at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 21 February 2014 for a two storey rear extension and detached garage at Carpenders, Sandyhurst Lane (see news item dated 23 January 2014). Full details are available here (search for case number 13/00070/AS).

16 February 2014

Planning permission sought for garage conversion at
Fourwinds, 39 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for a garage conversion at Fourwinds, 39 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments (which may be made online) is 10 March 2014. Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00167/AS).

12 February 2014

SLRA Survey on 'Submitted Sites' and further action

In November 2013, shortly after Ashford Borough Council published the list of ‘Submitted Sites’ for development for possible adoption into the Ashford Local Plan, we wrote to the Council indicating that we intended to oppose the adoption of any of the seven sites in or near Sandyhurst Lane.

Following this initial response, we have undertaken a survey of all residents in the Sandyhurst Lane area (both members and non-members) so that we could accurately reflect the majority view in future representations.

That survey has now been completed and we are grateful to residents for the high level of response – over 42% overall. This compares very favourably with, for example, turnout for last year’s KCC elections (25-28% for local wards).

The results of the survey have confirmed that there is strong opposition to significant further development in the Sandyhurst Lane area, particularly on green field sites. The survey has confirmed the SLRA’s position of opposition to the adoption into the Local Plan of the seven sites in the Sandyhurst Lane area.

The full results of the survey are now available in a report which is available to view here. A further letter has also been sent to Ashford Borough Council, copied to local councillors and Parish Councils, outlining the results of the survey and the reasons why we shall continue to oppose the adoption of these sites into the Local Plan. That letter may be viewed here.

We are holding our Annual General Meeting at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 12 March 2014 at Sandyacres Sports & Social Centre, Sandyhurst Lane. This will provide an opportunity to debate this important issue. We are pleased that Daniel Carter, Principal Policy Planner at Ashford Borough Council, will be joining us on that occasion.

3 February 2014

A Local Community Council for Urban Ashford?

The Central Ashford Community Forum (CACF)* is currently campaigning for a new ‘Community Council’ to provide a voice for Urban Ashford. A Community Council is a kind of Local Council organised on the same lines as the Parish Councils which represent the views of residents in villages and Town Councils (such as Tenterden and Hythe).

At present, about 200 households in the SLRA area are represented by Parish Councils (Westwell and Boughton Aluph & Eastwell), but the remaining 140 (approx) are not. This is because the Westwell parish boundary runs along the middle of Sandyhurst Lane from Potters Corner as far as the bottom of the hill leading up to Sandyacres and the ‘higher’ part of the Lane. This latter part of the Lane is all in the Boughton Aluph & Eastwell parish.

So, all those living on the even-numbered side of the Lane, as far as number 196, and those in Potters Close, Hoads Wood Gardens and the part of Maidstone Road south-east of Potters Corner are not in a Parish Council area.

The SLRA Committee has not yet discussed this issue, so we have not taken a position on it and this item is simply for information. However, should you wish to register your support for the creation of an ‘Urban Ashford Council’, the CACF campaign is being run in the form of a petition to Ashford Borough Council, which individuals may choose to sign if they wish.

To find out more about this campaign and the petition, please follow this link to the CACF’s website, which explains the issue in more detail.

* Central Ashford Community Forum is an open forum set up by Ashford Borough Council in 2002 to represent the views of people living and working in the area and to help communicate those views to Ashford Borough Council, Kent County Council and other statutory organisations. It is an independent voluntary group with its own constitution.

23 January 2014

Further planning application at Carpenders

Residents will recall the series of planning applications for the development of the Carpenders site* between 2007 and 2012. This finally resulted in permission to extend the original property (Carpenders) and to build two new properties on the site.

A new application has now been made for a further two storey rear extension and detached garage for the original property, ie Carpenders.

Full details of the application may be found here (if necessary, search for case number 14/00070/AS). The closing date for comments is 15 February 2014.

*This is the site opposite Eastwell Towers, bounded by Eastwell Grange, Sandyhurst Lane and Faversham Road.

10 January 2014

New fault reporting system for KCC highways

Kent County Council have recently updated their website with a new fault reporting system for highways, roads, pavements etc. It is no longer necessary to phone or email; faults can be directly logged with KCC and an interactive map shows whether or not the fault has already been logged.

The system may be used for all faults with roads, pavements, street lights, drains, traffic lights and any other highways problems.

To log a fault, click here and then follow the instructions. You will be asked to pinpoint the location of the fault on a map, provide details of the fault and your own details. You will then be emailed a reference number which you can use to track the status of the fault. You can also browse the work planned in any area of Kent.

‘Emergency’ faults (eg exposed live wires, highway flooding affecting buildings etc) should still be reported by phone (03000 418181).

The link to fault reporting is also included on our 'Useful Links' page.

10 January 2014

Planning permission sought for front and rear extensions
at Corona, Westwell Lane

An application has been made for the erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension, single storey front extension and conversion of garage to living accommodation at Corona, Westwell Lane. The closing date for comments (which may be made online) is 1 February 2014. Full details are available here (search for case number 14/00012/AS).

10 January 2014

Further update on why that sign is not working

Further to our update on 18 December (see here) about the delayed installation of the new ‘SLOW DOWN’ interactive traffic sign on the westbound carriageway of the A20, approaching Potters Corner, Westwell Parish Council have also written, on 9 January 2014, to KCC Traffic Schemes urging them to bring pressure to bear upon the company whom KCC blame for the delay - UK Power Networks.

We have yet to hear a response to our own request for action which was kindly made by KCC councillor Charlie Simkins at the Joint Transportation Board meeting on 10 December 2013.

News Archive for Jan-Jun 2014               


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