29 June 2015

Stroke and Vascular Listening Events

We have been asked to pass on the following message from the NHS South East Commissioning Support Unit:

We need your help! We want you to be involved from the beginning.

NHS England is reviewing vascular surgery in Kent and Medway following the latest recommendations from the Vascular Society. We need your help to ensure all patients in Kent and Medway get the best and fastest treatment in the future. At the same time, the eight Kent and Medway NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups are reviewing the quality of stroke services in Kent and Medway to ensure they can meet the national standards and give everyone the best quality care. The NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups plan and pay for your local healthcare.

Do you rely on these services, or have you used these in the past? Together we are holding a series of listening events across Kent and Medway in July 2015 and we would like to hear from you. We invite you as patients, carers or interested people from the local communities to attend.

You can find details of the listening events in east Kent on the attached poster*. Please pass these details on to anybody you may know who has an interest in: stroke, care for diabetes, vascular surgery or amputations, blood clots or aneurysms – all of which may be dealt with by vascular or stroke services.

For more information, or to register your attendance, please contact Lisa Blumson on 03000 424061 or email us at l.blumson@nhs.net.

Thank you for your interest and look forward to meeting you and hearing your views about these important services.

The poster referred to is available here and shows that the ‘listening event’ for Ashford will take place from 10.00 to 14.00 on Thursday 23 July at the Holiday Inn, Canterbury Road, TN24 8QQ.

1 June 2015

Lenacre Street to be closed for resurfacing

Kent County Council have advised that Lenacre Street will be closed for resurfacing work from 25 June 2015 for three days (7.00 am to 7.00 pm). The full details are on a KCC notice which may be viewed here.

1 June 2015

Further update on the Ashford Local Plan to 2030

In our update on 20 May (below) on the ‘submitted sites’ for the Ashford Local Plan to 2030, we reported that we had learned from Ashford Borough Council (ABC) that the sites exclusively in Boughton Aluph and Eastwell (BAE1,BAE2 & the new submission adjacent to BAE2) will be decided by the Neighbourhood Plan group led by Cllr Winston Michael.

We have subsequently pressed ABC further for updates on the other sites in our area and have been advised that ABC wrote to Westwell Parish Council in January to say that site DW11 (Land west of Sandyhurst Lane, (Behind Kingsland)) will NOT be short listed.

All the other sites (BBAE1, BBAE2, DW9 & DW12) remain under consideration by ABC, who hope to be in a position “by the Autumn” to advise whether they are likely to be included in the draft Plan.

24 May 2015

SLRA responds to Community Governance Review

Further to our news item on 15 May outlining Ashford Borough Council’s Community Governance Review, we have now completed the referendum of all residents in the unparished part of the SLRA area (those in the borough ward of Bockhanger). Of the 44% responses received, there was a clear majority of 79% in favour of realigning the current boundary so that these 145 properties would fall within the parish of Westwell.

We have therefore submitted a response to the review asking for such a realignment to be considered.
The full text of the SLRA response may be viewed here.

20 May 2015

Update on the Ashford Local Plan to 2030

Residents will recall that, as part of the development of the Ashford Local Plan to 2030, Ashford Borough Council (ABC) called for landowners and developers to submit potential development sites for consideration by ABC for inclusion in the Plan.

Seven of the sites subsequently submitted are in or near the Sandyhurst Lane area; as a reminder they are:

Ashford Golf Course: 100+ dwellings and associated uses (BBAE1)
Eureka Park: 100 dwellings, commercial and flexible uses (BBAE2)
Woodside, Westwell Lane: 100 dwellings (DW9)
Land west of Sandyhurst Lane, (Behind Kingsland), Westwell Lane: Amenity facility to serve development at Westwell Lane (DW11)
Beechbrook: 3,500 dwellings plus other uses (DW12)
Lenacre Hall Farm, 393 Sandyhurst Lane: 100+ dwellings, leisure and sheltered housing (BAE1)
Former Sandpit, Sandyhurst Lane: 15 dwellings (BAE2).
[BBAE = Bockhanger & Boughton Aluph & Eastwell, DW = Downs West, BAE = Boughton Aluph & Eastwell]

The sites were published about 18 months ago. We have also, in the last few days, learned of an additional submission which has been accepted by ABC – this is a proposal for up to 10 dwellings on land at 198 Sandyhurst Lane to the west of the ‘Former Sandpit’ site listed above.

SLRA members will recall a presentation at our March 2014 AGM in which ABC promised a formal public consultation on a short list of sites (contained in a draft Plan) in 2015. There was also mention of a possible early informal consultation in Autumn 2014. This did not happen.

Many members have expressed concern about the apparent delays in bringing forward this consultation, with concerns about ‘planning blight’ affecting the value of their homes. Following our initial residents’ survey and response to the list of submitted sites in early 2014, we have therefore been following developments closely and have recently obtained an update from the Planning Policy Manager at ABC:

1. the programme for taking the draft Local Plan forward “has slipped a little since March 2014” and ABC anticipates having a draft Plan ready for formal public consultation “by the end of this year”.

2. the ‘BAE’ sites in the parish of Boughton Aluph and Eastwell will now be decided by that Parish Council (rather than ABC), in the context of the Neighbourhood Plan which is being prepared under the guidance of Cllr Winston Michael.

We shall continue to press for the publication of the draft Plan for public consultation as soon as possible. The SLRA is also represented in the committee led by Winston Michael developing the Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Neighbourhood Plan.

16 May 2015

Planning permission granted for extension at Mayfield, 31 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 15 May 2015 for a first floor extension and erection of a front porch at Mayfield, 31 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary, search for case number 15/00326/AS).

15 May 2015

SLRA to respond to Community Governance Review

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) is currently undertaking a community governance review across the whole Borough.  Its outcome will result in creating, merging, abolishing or changing parish or town councils. Full details are on the ABC website here.

SLRA wants to make an appropriate input on behalf of residents. In particular, it wants to address the boundary issue:

At present, the boundary between Westwell Parish and the "unparished" residents in Bockhanger ward runs down the centre of Sandyhurst Lane from the A20 to 196 Sandyhurst Lane. We think we should offer residents the opportunity to lobby for a change in the boundary, so that it no longer divides our community.

(This boundary also currently divides the community into two different borough electoral wards, Downs West and Bockhanger, and two different county electoral divisions, Ashford Rural West and Ashford Central).

We are therefore conducting a "referendum" of all residents currently in the unparished part of our area to determine whether or not the majority would like to see a change in the boundary.

The full text of the referendum document, which is being delivered to the above residents, may be viewed here.

11 May 2015

Westwell remembers VE Day + 70

Westwell village has held a series of events to celebrate and remember Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945. On 8 May 2015, the Westwell beacon was lit at 9 pm on the green outside the Wheel inn. On the following day at 4.30 pm, WWII veteran Jim Mather (a member of SLRA) planted a commemorative tree on the Downs View green. Following refreshments in the Wheel, a service of remembrance and reconciliation was then held in Westwell Church (see pictures on home page).

8 May 2015

Westwell Parish Council Election

The following nine of the eleven candidates were elected to the Parish Council at yesterday’s election:
(figures in brackets indicate number of votes)

Christine Drury (240)
Tessa Wyatt (234)
Tom Lawrence (226)

Clive Bainbridge (210)
Lucy Farrington (197)
Anne Davidson (195)
Nick Faulkner (193)

Tony Bartlett (164)
Ron Butcher (159)

8 May 2015

Borough Council Election results

The results of the Borough Council Elections held yesterday, for the wards relevant to the SLRA, are on a special page - please click here.

8 May 2015

Parliamentary Election result - Ashford

The Parliamentary seat of Ashford has been retained by Damian Green (Con) with a majority of 19,296 and 52.5% of the votes. The turnout was 67.3%.

The full results are as follows:

Previous Parliamentary election results for Ashford:

2010: Damian Green won with a majority of 17,297 and 54.1% of the votes. The turnout was 67.9%.
2005: Damian Green won with a majority of 13,298 and 51.6% of the votes. The turnout was 65.6%.
2001: Damian Green won with a majority of 7,359 and 47.4% of the votes. The turnout was 62.5%.
1997: Damian Green won with a majority of 5,345 and 41.4% of the votes. The turnout was 74.2%.
1992: Keith Speed (Con) won with a majority of 17,359 and 54.6% of the votes. The turnout was 79.2%.

24 April 2015

Parish Council elections

The SLRA area includes parts of two parishes, Boughton Aluph & Eastwell and Westwell.

The forthcoming Parliamentary general election on 7 May includes local Borough and Parish Council elections.

In the case of Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish, the number of nominations is insufficient to require an election, so the nominated candidates will be elected unopposed. These are:

Jason Matthews
Kenneth Newman
Raymond Burrough

In the case of Westwell Parish, there are eleven candidates and nine seats available; therefore there will be an election.

To assist Westwell constituents in making their choices, details of all the candidates have been published in a ‘flyer’. A copy of this is available here.

18 April 2015

Planning permission granted for extensions at Lantern Lodge, Westwell Lane

Planning permission was granted on 17 April 2015 for the erection of a single storey rear extension and two storey side extension, incorporating integral garage, at Lantern Lodge, Westwell Lane.
Full details may be viewed here (if necessary, search for case number 15/00299/AS).

10 April 2015

Election candidates

The forthcoming elections on 5th May are being held for Parliamentary, Borough and Parish constituencies. The official lists of candidates have now been published and are available through the following links, should you wish to see which candidates and parties will be seeking your vote:

Ashford constituency

Ashford Borough:
Bockhanger ward
Boughton Aluph & Eastwell ward
Downs West ward

Boughton Aluph & Eastwell (Boughton Aluph ward)

Boughton Aluph & Eastwell (Eastwell ward) (no nominations)
Boughton Aluph & Eastwell (Goat Lees ward)

3 April 2015

Planning permission granted for conversion to two storeys at
Lindsey, 27 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 2 April 2015 for the erection of a first floor extension to form a two storey dwelling and a replacement detached double garage at Lindsey, 27 Sandyhurst Lane. An objection by a neighbour was overruled. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary search for application number 15/00147/AS).

2 April 2015

Easter: Free parking in Ashford and Tenterden

As announced last October, Ashford Borough Council now offers free parking in three Ashford car parks and one Tenterden car park at certain times. As these times include all day on Sundays and Bank Holidays, it means that parking will be free on Friday 3rd, Sunday 5th and Monday 6th April in the Edinburgh Road, Station Road and Flour Mills car parks in Ashford. (NB No free parking on Saturday 4th April).

Edinburgh Road is the multi-storey car park near Wilkinsons & Park Mall (but NOT the Park Mall car park - the one before that), Flour Mills is at the bottom of East Hill, opposite Ashford School and Station Road is the car park behind the bowling alley.

Free parking is also available in the Bridewell Lane car park in Tenterden on the same days.

11 February 2015

Planning permission granted for extensions at Oaklands, Westwell Lane

Planning permission was granted on 27 March for the erection of a two storey rear extension and single storey extension to detached garage at Oaklands, Westwell Lane. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary search for application number 15/00143/AS).

26 March 2015

New SLRA Committee on Flooding

Our AGM yesterday evening included a discussion on flooding, which has recently affected residents in several parts of Sandyhurst Lane. The issue involves complex negotiations with local authorities, landowners, insurance companies, etc and it was felt that it would be useful if those members affected set up a committee to exchange information and facilitate joint action in the common interest.

Mike Cullen (176 Sandyhurst Lane) kindly agreed to chair this new group and members are invited to get in touch with him if they wish to participate. His email address is: mtcullen@btopenworld.com.

SLRA’s new Chairman, Tony Bartlett, said that the SLRA would offer the new committee full support to operate in the name of the Association wherever it may help to achieve its objectives.

23 March 2015

Obstruction of footway or highway by garden vegetation

Kent County Council Highways have issued a letter requesting residents to ensure that their garden vegetation does not obstruct the footway/pavement or the highway. The letter may be viewed here.

14 March 2015

Planning permission sought for extension at Mayfield, 31 Sandyhurst Lane

An application for planning permission has been made for a proposed first floor extension and erection of a front porch at Mayfield, 31 Sandyhurst Lane.
The closing date for comments is 6 April 2015. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary, search for case number 15/00326/AS).

10 March 2015

Planning permission sought for extensions at Lantern Lodge, Westwell Lane

An application for planning permission has been made for the erection of a single storey rear extension and two storey side extension, incorporating integral garage, at Lantern Lodge, Westwell Lane.
The closing date for comments is 2 April 2015. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary, search for case number 15/00299/AS).

11 February 2015

Planning permission sought for conversion to two storeys at Lindsey,
27 Sandyhurst Lane

An application has been made for planning permission for the erection of a first floor extension to form a two storey dwelling and a replacement detached double garage at Lindsey, 27 Sandyhurst Lane. The closing date for comments is 6 March 2015. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary search for application number 15/00147/AS).

11 February 2015

Planning permission sought for extensions at Oaklands, Westwell Lane

An application has been made for planning permission for the erection of a two storey rear extension and single storey extension to detached garage at Oaklands, Westwell Lane. The closing date for comments is 6 March 2015. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary search for application number 15/00143/AS).

6 February 2015

Planning permission granted for extensions at 65 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 5 February 2015 for for the erection of a first floor extension, single storey rear extension, side infill extension and front porch at 65 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary, search for case number 14/01588/AS).

12 January 2015

KCC Consutation on Library, Registration and Archive Services

Kent County Council has today launched a public consultation on the future of library, registration and archive (LRA) services.

Library services are, of course, for accessing books and other information.
Registration services are for registering births, deaths etc.
Archive services are holding and providing access to historic records dating back to 699AD, eg for researching family trees, history projects, etc.

One of the reasons for proposing change is the need to reduce costs. KCC have listed several options for the future running of these services, but their preference is for the LRA services to be transferred to operation by a charitable trust.

KCC are holding a series of ‘roadshows’ giving more information on these proposals and the roadshow for Ashford is scheduled for 0930-1700 on Saturday 17 January 2015 at the McArthur Glen Shopping Centre Restaurant.

Full details of the consultation may be found here, including the consultation document and several ways of providing a response, including an online questionnaire.

The consultation document may also be viewed here. The consultation runs until 8 April 2015.

10 January 2015

Planning permission granted for extension at 154 Sandyhurst Lane

Planning permission was granted on 9 January 2015 for the erection of a single storey rear extension at 154 Sandyhurst Lane. Full details may be viewed here (if necessary, search for case number 14/01531/AS).
Candidate Party Votes Share (%) +/- (%)
  Damian Green   Conservative 30,094       52.5       


  Gerald O'Brien

  UK independence Party




  Brendan Chilton






  Debbie Enver

  Liberal Democrats




  Mandy Rossi

  The Green Party




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